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Type Title Artist / Author Producer / Publisher Year Language Call Number Key Words
Node ID: 2064
The Modern Uzbeks: From the Fourteenth Century to the Present: A Cultural History
Allworth, Edward Hoover Institution Press 1990 English DK948.62 .A45 1990   
Node ID: 4359
Khāṭirāt-i asārat: rūznāmah-ʼi safar-i Khwārazm va Khīvah = Khatirat-i asarat: ruznamah-i safar-i Khwarazm va Khivah Mir Panjah, Ismail Muʼassasah-ʼi Pizhūhish va Muṭālaʻāt-i Farhangī 1370 [1991] Persian DK948.83 M57x 1991 Memoir, Central Asia, Khvarazm, Khorezm
Node ID: 3624
Making Uzbekistan: nation, empire, and revolution in the early USSR Khalid, Adeeb Cornell University Press 2015 English DK948.85 .K47 2015 Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Revolution
Node ID: 4633
The formation of al-Andalus, Part 2: Language, Religion, Culture and the Sciences Fierro, Maribel (editor) and Samso, Julio (editor) Ashgate 1998 English DP103 .M36 1998 PT.2 Islamic Spain, Spain, Al-Andalus, Andalusia
Node ID: 4421
The arts of intimacy: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the making of Castilian culture Dodds, Jerrilynn Denise, Maria Rosa Menocal, and Abigail Krasner Balbale Yale University Press 2008 English DP135 .D63 2008 Spain, History, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Ethnic relations, Civilization
Node ID: 4493
Pensers d'al-Andalus: la vie intellectuelle à Cordove et Séville au temps des empires Berbèrs (fin XIe siècle-début XIIIe siécle) Urvoy, Dominique Presses Universitaires du Mirail 1990 French DP302.A467 U786 1990 Andalusia, Al-Andalus, Islamic Spain, Spain, Intellectual life, Medieval
Node ID: 4586
Baños arabes del Palacio de Villardompardo, Jaén
Berges Roldán, Luis Diputación Provincial de Jaén 1989 Spanish DP402.J25 B47 1989 Medieval, Andalusia, Islamic Spain, History
Node ID: 2825
The Story of Islamic Spain Rahman, Syed Azizur Goodword Books 2003 English DP98 .R33 2003 Islamic Spain
Node ID: 4418
The Arab conquest of Spain, 710-797 Collins, Roger B. Blackwell 1989 English DP99 .C58 1989 Spain, Islamic Spain, Arabs, History, Al-Andalus, Andalusia
Node ID: 1755
Chihil rūz-i Mūsa Dāgh Franz Werfel / Translated by Muḥammad Qāz̤ī.  Intishārāt-i Zarīn 1995 Persian DR 589 .W57 1995 Persian fiction, Turkey
Node ID: 3397
The siege of Sarajevo, 1992-1996 Telibecirovic, Amir and Sabaha Colakovic Vrijeme 2014 English DR1313.32 .S27 S54 2014 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Node ID: 3923
The Ottoman "wild west": the Balkan frontier in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries Antov, Nikolay Cambridge University Press 2017 English DR39 .A57 2017 Balkans, Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Borders, Muslims, Islamization
Node ID: 1738
Belleten, XIV, 55
XIV, 55
Türk Tarih Kurumu Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi 1950 Turkish DR401 .T8273  XIV 55 Turkey
Node ID: 1739
Belleten, XIV, 53
XIV, 53
Türk Tarih Kurumu Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi 1950 Turkish DR401 .T8273 XIV 53 Turkey
Node ID: 1735
Belleten Edition XII, 25
XII, 45
Türk Tarih Kurumu Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi 1948 Turkish DR401 .T8273  XII 45 Turkey
Node ID: 1736
Belleten, Edition XII, 46
XII, 46
Türk Tarih Kurumu Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi 1948 Turkish DR401 .T8273  XII 46 Turkey
Node ID: 1737
Belleten, Edition XII, 47
XII, 47
Türk Tarih Kurumu Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi 1948 Turkish DR401 .T8273  XII 47 Turkey
Node ID: 3265
Turkish nationalism and Western civilization; selected essays of Ziya Gökalp Gokalp, Ziya Columbia University Press 1959 English DR405 .G613 1959 Turkey, Nationalism
Node ID: 2915
Tenth Edition
Campbell, Verity, Jean-Bernard Carillet, Dan Eldridge, Frances Linzee Gordon, Virginia Maxwell, Tom Parkinson Lonely Planet 2007 English DR416 .T915 2007 Travel guide
Node ID: 1679
Allah dethroned; a journey through modern Turkey Linke, Lilo A.A. Knopf 1937 English DR428 .L5 1937 Turkey, Travel
Node ID: 2630
The Land and people of Turkey Spencer, William J. B. Lippincott Company 1958 English DR428 .S7 Turkey
Node ID: 3661
Bes sehir = Beş şehir Tanpinar, Ahmet Hamdi Dergah Yayinlari 2006 Turkish DR428 .T3 2006 Turkey, Cities, Istanbul, Ankara, Konya, Erzurum, Bursa
Node ID: 4756
To Byzantium: a Turkey travelogue Nivedita, Charu (or Nivētitā, Cāru); Kumar, Aswini (transl.); Kumar, Vignesh L. (ed.) Zero Degree Publishing 2018 DR429.4 .C3713 2018 Turkey, Travel
Node ID: 2900
The Balkans, 1815-1914 Stavrianos, L. S. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston 1963 English DR43 .S8 Balkans
Node ID: 1772
Culture Shock! A Guide to Customs and Etiquette: Turkey
Arin Bayraktaroglu Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company 2000 English DR432 .B37 2009   customs, etiquette, Turkey, Travel
Node ID: 2812
The Turk Bliss, Beatrice Georgetown Press 1976 English DR432 .B55 Turkey
Node ID: 1747
Bir Türk ailesinin öyküsü Orga,Irfan, Arın Bayraktaroğlu  Ana Yayıncılık 2001 Turkish DR432 O7719 1994 Turkey
Node ID: 3337
Armenians and the Allies in Cilicia, 1914-1923 Guclu, Yucel The University of Utah Press 2010 English DR435.A7 G83 2010 Armenians, Turkey, World War I
Node ID: 4636
The Pontus issue and the policy of Greece: articles Sarınay, Yusuf; Pehlivanlı, Hamit; Saydam, Abdullah B. Türkdoğan 2000 English DR435.G8 S36 1999 Greece, Minorities, History, Turkey
Node ID: 3974
The political economy of the Kurds of Turkey: from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic Yadirgi, Veli Cambridge University Press 2017 English DR435.K87 Y326 2017 Kurds, Kurdistan, Turkey, Political economy, Politics and Government, Economic conditions, Social conditions
Node ID: 3406
The reckoning of pluralism: political belonging and the demands of history in Turkey Tambar, Kabir Stanford University Press 2014 English DR435.N67 T36 2014 Turkey, Pluralism, Nationalism, Minorities
Node ID: 3204
Bezm ve rezm Astarabadi, Aziz bin Ardashir Evkaf Matbaası 1928 Ottoman DR438.1 .A78 1928 Turkey, History, Ottoman
Node ID: 4649
Kıyâfetü'l-insâniyye fî şemâili'l-ʻOsmâniyye / [Seyyīd Loḳmān Çelebī b. Ḥüseynī el-ʻUrmevī el-ʻAşūrī Loqmān ibn Ḥosayn al-ʼĀshûrî Ministry of Tourism and Culture of the Turkish Republic 1987 English, Ottoman DR438.1 .L67 1987 Miniatures, Manuscripts, Ottoman Empire
Node ID: 2899
Meşhur valiler Orhun, Hayri, Celal Kasaroğlu, Mehmet Belek, and Kazım Atakul Ajans-Türk Matbaacılık Sanayii 1969 Turkish DR438.5 .M5 Turkey, Governors
Node ID: 4469
John Henry Haynes: a photographer and archaeologist in the Ottoman Empire 1881-1900
Second Edition
Ousterhout, Robert G. Cornucopia Books 2016 English DR438.9.H39 O988 2016 Turkey, photography, Archeology, Antiquities, Travel, Description, pictorial works
Node ID: 4429
The Ottoman Empire: a short history Faroqhi, Suraiya Markus Wiener Publishers 2009 English DR440 .F3713 2009 Ottoman Empire, History, Ottoman history
Node ID: 2122
Turkey: A Sketch of Turkish History Stark, Freya and Fulvio Roiter Thames and Hudson 1971 English DR440 .S75 1971
Node ID: 2928
İmtiyazat-ı ecnebiyenin tatbikat-ı hazırası Mehdi, Fraşerli Matbaa-i Cemil 1325 (1909) Ottoman DR470 .M47i Turkey, Politics, Government
Node ID: 3220
Saltukname: the legend of Sari Saltuk = Ṣaltuḳ-nāme: the legend of Ṣarı Ṣaltuḳ, part 2 Ebul Hayr Rumi Harvard University Print. Off. 1974 Ottoman DR472.S24 R86 v.2 Turkish literature
Node ID: 3221
Saltukname: the legend of Sari Saltuk = Ṣaltuḳ-nāme: the legend of Ṣarı Ṣaltuḳ, part 3 Ebul Hayr Rumi Harvard University Print. Off. 1974 Ottoman DR472.S24 R86 v.3 Turkish literature
Node ID: 3219
Saltukname: the legend of Sari Saltuk = Ṣaltuḳ-nāme: the legend of Ṣarı Ṣaltuḳ, part 4 Ebul Hayr Rumi Harvard University Print. Off. 1974 Ottoman DR472.S24 R86 v.4 Turkish literature
Node ID: 4436
A History of the Ottoman Empire Howard, Douglas A. Cambridge University Press 2017 English DR485 .H69 2017 Ottoman Empire, Ottoman history, Turkey
Node ID: 4935
Volume 1
Sadeddin, Hoca Tabhane-yi Âmire 1862 Ottoman DR485 .S125 1862 v.1 Turkey, Ottoman history, Ottoman Empire, History
Node ID: 4936
Volume 2
Sadeddin, Hoca Tabhane-yi Âmire 1862 Ottoman DR485 .S125 1862 v.2 Turkey, Ottoman Empire, History, Ottoman history
Node ID: 4575
The Ottomans: Dissolving Images Wheatcroft, Andrew Penguin Books 1995 English DR486 .W44 1995 History, Ottoman history, Ottoman Empire, Turkey
Node ID: 4640
The Ottoman empire and Europe: the Ottoman empire and its place in European history Inalcık, Halil Kronik 2017 English DR486.I535 2017 International Relations, Foreign relations, Europe, Ottoman Empire
Node ID: 4949
Tertip ettiki Sahaif ül-ahbar
Volume 2
Munnajjim Bashi, Ahmad ibn Lutf Allah (Müneccimbaşı, Ahmed Dede) Matbaa-yı Amire 1285 [1868/1869] Ottoman DR486.M92 v.2 History, Islamic Empire, Ottoman Empire
Node ID: 3202
Kosova Zaferi - Ankara Hezimeti Fatma Aliye Kanaat Matbaası 1916 Ottoman DR495 .A41k Kosovo, Turkey, History
Node ID: 4952
Bizans karşısında Türkler: 699 - 857 Refik (Altınay), Ahmet Kitaphane-yi Hilmi : Bab-ı Ali Caddesı 1927 Ottoman DR502 .A46b Turkey, Ottoman Empire, Ottoman history, History, Foreign relations
Node ID: 3929
Empress of the east: how a European slave girl became queen of the Ottoman Empire Peirce, Leslie Basic Books 2017 English DR509.H87 P47 2017 Slavery, Hurrem, Ottoman Empire, Queen