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Type Title Artist / Author Producer / Publisher Year Language Call Number Key Words
Node ID: 3797
Festival De Marrakech 2001
Node ID: 2556
Edge of Heaven, The Fatih Akın Andreas Thiel and Klaus Maeck 2007 English, German, Turkish
(Subtitled: English)
Node ID: 2652
Channels of Rage (Copy 3) Halachmi, Anat Halachmi, Anat 2003 Arabic, Hebrew
(Subtitled: English)
Node ID: 2295
In The Name of Security Emily Kunstler; Sarah Kunstler Off Center; The National Lawyers Guild 2002 English
Node ID: 2379
Sinav Omer Faruk Sorak 2006 Turkish
(Subtitled: English)
Node ID: 2955
Transparent Black Geffen, Roni 2010 Various
(Subtitled: English)
Node ID: 3382
Rebetiko: The Song of Two Cities Nefin Dinc
Node ID: 3581
Iraqi Memories (5-Disc DVD Set) 2006 Al-Kadhimiy, Mustafa The Iraq Memory Foundation 2006 Arabic, English, Kurdish
(Subtitled: English)
Node ID: 4592
What We Left Unfinished Mariam Ghani Alysa Nahmias 2019 Dari
(Subtitled: English),
(Subtitled: French),
(Subtitled: Spanish),
(Subtitled: Italian)
Node ID: 2456
Edward Said The Myth of 'The Clash of Civilizations The Media Education Foundation
Node ID: 2526
Isha'a Hub German
Node ID: 2181
Islam: Empire of Faith (Copy 1) Robert Gardner Gardner Films; PBS Home Video 2000 English
Node ID: 2251
Promises (Wo'ood) Justine Shapiro; B.Z. Goldberg; Carlos Bolado Arabic
(Subtitled: English)
Node ID: 5398
A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy Nathan Thrall Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company 2023 DS119.76
Node ID: 5466
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXIV Mahmoud Azaz John Benjamins Publishing 2023 2020030048
Node ID: 5465
Folk Designs From the Caucasus- For weaving and needlework Lyatif Kerimov Dover Publication 1974 73-080558
Node ID: 3065
Essays in memory of Hazel E. Heughan Erünsal, İsmail E., Christopher Ferrard, Hamza Kandur, A. Oğuz İcimsoy, Niyazi Çiçek (editors) Hazel E. Heughan Educational Trust 2007 English, Turkish AC 140.E87 2007 Ottoman history, Essays, Scotland
Node ID: 3663
Cikis yolu, III: kutlu millet gercegi = Çıkış yolu, v.3: kutlu millet gerçeği
Karakoc, Sezai Diriliş Yayınları 2005 Turkish AC141 .K364 2005 v.3 Turkey, Politics, Government, History
Node ID: 1908
Mağaradakiler Cemil Meriç İletişim Yayınları 1998 Turkish AC141 .M543 1978
Node ID: 4630
The world in a book: Al-Nuwayri and the Islamic encyclopedic tradition Muhanna, Elias Princeton University Press 2018 English AE2.N8 M84 2018 Encyclopedias, Islamic
Node ID: 1911
Matḥaf ʻAbd al-Raʼūf Ḥasan Khalīl
 al-Ṭabʻah 1
ʻAbd al-Raʼūf Ḥasan Khalīl; Matḥaf ʻAbd al-Raʼūf Ḥasan Khalīl  ʻḤ. Khalīl 1985 Arabic AM101.S33 M38 1985
Node ID: 3377
Guftgu, Vol. 39 = Guftgū
2003 Persian AP95.P3 G83 v.39 Iran, Social life
Node ID: 3210
Ilm va jamiah = ʻIlm va jāmiʻah, v.6, n.40
V.6, N.40
Alexandria, VA 1985 Persian AP95.P3 I44 v.6 n.40 1985 Iran, Politics, Government, Periodicals
Node ID: 3164
Ilm va jamiah = ʻIlm va jāmiʻah, v.7, n.42
V.7, N.42
Alexandria, VA 1986 Persian AP95.P3 I44 v.7 n.42 1986 Iran, Politics, Government, Periodicals
Node ID: 3163
Ilm va jamiah = ʻIlm va jāmiʻah, v.7, n.44
V.7, N.44
Alexandria, VA 1986 Persian AP95.P3 I44 v.7 n.44 1986 Periodicals
Node ID: 3165
Ilm va jamiah = ʻIlm va jāmiʻah, v.8, n.49
V.8, N.49
Alexandria, VA 1987 Persian AP95.P3 I44 v.8 n.49 1987 Iran, Politics, Government
Node ID: 3162
Ilm va jamiah = ʻIlm va jāmiʻah, v.8, n.51
V.8, N.51
Alexandria, VA 1987 Persian AP95.P3 I44 v.8 n.51 1987 Iran, Politics, Government
Node ID: 4687
Iṭṭilāʻāt-i siyāsī-iqtiṣādī = Ittilaʻat-i siyasi-iqtisadi = اطلاعات سياسى-اقتصادى
V.7, No.9-10, serial 69-70
Muʼassasah-i Iṭṭilāʻāt June/July 1993 Persian AP95.P3 I88 v.7 n.9-10 International Relations, Foreign relations, Iran, Economic conditions
Node ID: 4688
Iṭṭilāʻāt-i siyāsī-iqtiṣādī = Ittilaʻat-i siyasi-iqtisadi = اطلاعات سياسى-اقتصادى
V.8, No.3-4, serial 75-76
Muʼassasah-i Iṭṭilāʻāt December 1993/January 1994 Persian AP95.P3 I88 v.8 n.3-4 Iran, Economic conditions, International Relations, Foreign relations
Node ID: 4683
Iṭṭilāʻāt-i siyāsī-iqtiṣādī = Ittilaʻat-i siyasi-iqtisadi = اطلاعات سياسى-اقتصادى
V.8, No. 5-6, serial 77-78
Muʼassasah-i Iṭṭilāʻāt February/March 1994 Persian AP95.P3 I88 v.8 n.5-6 Economic conditions, International Relations, Foreign relations, Iran
Node ID: 4686
Iṭṭilāʻāt-i siyāsī-iqtiṣādī = Ittilaʻat-i siyasi-iqtisadi = اطلاعات سياسى-اقتصادى
V.8, No.7-8, serial 79-80
Muʼassasah-i Iṭṭilāʻāt April/May 1994 Persian AP95.P3 I88 v.8 n.7-8 Economic conditions, International Relations, Foreign relations, Iran
Node ID: 4685
Iṭṭilāʻāt-i siyāsī-iqtiṣādī = Ittilaʻat-i siyasi-iqtisadi = اطلاعات سياسى-اقتصادى
V.8, No.9-10, serial 81-82
Muʼassasah-i Iṭṭilāʻāt June/July 1994 Persian AP95.P3 I88 v.8 n.9-10 International Relations, Foreign relations, Economic conditions, Iran
Node ID: 4689
Iṭṭilāʻāt-i siyāsī-iqtiṣādī = Ittilaʻat-i siyasi-iqtisadi = اطلاعات سياسى-اقتصادى
V.9, No.1-2, serial 85-86
Muʼassasah-i Iṭṭilāʻāt October/November 1994 Persian AP95.P3 I88 v.9 n.1-2 International Relations, Foreign relations, Economic conditions, Iran
Node ID: 4684
Iṭṭilāʻāt-i siyāsī-iqtiṣādī = Ittilaʻat-i siyasi-iqtisadi = اطلاعات سياسى-اقتصادى
V.9, No.11-12, serial 95-96
Muʼassasah-i Iṭṭilāʻāt August/September 1995 Persian AP95.P3 I88 v.9 n.11-12 Economic conditions, Foreign relations, International Relations, Iran
Node ID: 4676
Iṭṭilāʻāt-i siyāsī-iqtiṣādī = Ittilaʻat-i siyasi-iqtisadi = اطلاعات سياسى-اقتصادى
V.9, No.3-4, serial 88-87
Muʼassasah-i Iṭṭilāʻāt December 1994/January 1995 Persian AP95.P3 I88 v.9 n.3-4 Economic conditions, International Relations, Foreign relations, Iran
Node ID: 3153
Kayhan-i bachchah'ha = Kayhān-i bachchahʹhā, n.228
Intishārāt-i Kayhān 1986 Persian AP95.P3 K376 n.228 1986 Iran
Node ID: 3154
Kayhan-i bachchah'ha = Kayhān-i bachchahʹhā, n.282
Intishārāt-i Kayhān 1985 Persian AP95.P3 K376 n.282 1985 Iran
Node ID: 4692
Khabarnāmah: [nashrīyah-i Anjuman-i Farhangī va Insāndūstī-i Īrāniyān, muqīm-i Niyū Jersī]
No. 14
December 1995 Persian, English AP95.P3 K433 n.14 Periodicals, Iran
Node ID: 3111
Ma'arif = Maʻārif, V.1, N.3
V.1, N.3
Markaz-i Nashr-i Dānishgāhī 1985 Persian AP95.P3 M237 v.1 n.3 1985
Node ID: 3098
Peace Angha, Molana Salaheddin Ali Nader Shah ibn Molana-al-Moazam Hazrat Shah Maghsoud Sadegh M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi 1987 English, Persian B105.P4 A54 1987 philosophy, Sufism
Node ID: 1963
Philosophies of Peace and Just War in Greek Philosophy and Religions of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Faridzadeh, Mehdi Global Scholarly Publications 2004 English B105.W3 P48 2004
Node ID: 3818
Transnationalism in Iranian political thought: the life and times of Ahmad Fardid Mirsepassi, Ali Cambridge University Press 2017 English B5074.F374 M57 2017 Ahmad Fardid, Iran, philosophy, Islam and politics, Social sciences, Political science
Node ID: 3629
Teaching Plato in Palestine: philosophy in a divided world Fraenkel, Carlos Princeton University Press 2015 B52 .F734 2015 philosophy, Palestine, Teaching
Node ID: 2103
The Two Wings of Wisdom: Mysticism and Philosophy in the Risalat ut-tair of Ibn Sina Taghi, Shokoufeh Uppsala University 2000 English B751.R64 T35 2000  
Node ID: 4376
Sima-yi falsafi-i zindagi: aya zindagi padidah-i puch va bima nai ast? = Sīmā-yi falsafī-i zindagī : āyā zindagī padīdah-ʼi pūch va bīmaʻ nāʼī ast? Farshad, Muhsin Ānnāhītā 1369 [1990] Persian BD431 .F377 1990 philosophy
Node ID: 3942
The Iranian metaphysicals: explorations in science, Islam, and the uncanny Doostdar, Alireza Princeton University Press 2018 English BF1434.I74 D66 2018 Islamic occultism, Metaphysics, Islam, Mysticism, Science
Node ID: 4938
Vazhah'namah-'i ravan shinasi = واژه نامۀ روان شناسی = Terminology of Psychology Irani, Ahmad Self-published 1993 Persian BF31 .I736 1993 Persian Dictionary, Persian language, Psychology
Node ID: 3124
Yak dastah gul-i damagh'parvar = Yak dastah gul-i damāghʹparvar Urdubadi, Ahmad Hushang Chāpʹkhānah-i Muṣṭafavī 1991 (1370) Persian BF636 .U73 1991 Psychology
Node ID: 1856
Imagine There's No Woman Copjec, Joan Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2002 English BJ1012 .C68 2002 Feminist, ethics
Node ID: 4796
Ustādh al-marʼah
First Edition
Bayhani, Muhammad ibn Salim Dar Fikr 1996 Arabic BJ1292.W6 B35 1996 Muslim Women, Muslims