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Type Title Artist / Author Producer / Publisher Year Language Call Number Key Words
Node ID: 3025
Islam and the Secular State = Islam i svetskoe gosudarstvo Munavvarov, Z.I. and W. Schneider-Deters International Fund of al-Imam al-Bukhari; Friederich Ebert Foundation 2003 English, Russian BP173.6 .I58 2003 Islam, Secularism
Node ID: 3256
The future of political Islam Fuller, Graham E. Palgrave Macmillan 2003 English BP173.7 .F85 2003 Islam, Political Islam, fundamentalism, History
Node ID: 4375
Muzhdah bih ānānīkih bihtarīn sukhanān ra mīgūyand: chun ānān bar mardum ḥukūmat khvāhand kard = Muzhdah bih ananikih bihtarin sukhanan ra miguyand: chun anan bar mardum hukumat khvahand kard Jamali, Manuchihr 1984? Persian BP173.7 .J33x 1985 Islam and politics, Iran, Ideology
Node ID: 4457
Islamic modernism, nationalism, and fundamentalism: episode and discourse Moaddel, Mansoor University of Chicago Press 2005 English BP173.7 .M63 2005 Islam, Nationalism, Modernism, Islamic fundamentalism, Islamic countries
Node ID: 3835
Brand Islam: the marketing and commodification of piety Shirazi, Faegheh University of Texas Press 2016 English BP173.75 .S524 2016 Islam, Consumer behavior, Branding, Consumption, Islam and culture
Node ID: 3371
Islam va malikiyat dar muqayasah ba nizamha-yi iqtisadi-i Gharb = Islām va mālikīyat dar muqāyasah bā niẓāmhā-yi iqtiṣādī-i Gharb Ṭāliqānī, Maḥmūd 1970 Persian BP173.75 .T351 1970 Islam, Economics
Node ID: 3662
Samanyolunda ziyafet: oruc yazilari = Samanyolunda ziyafet: oruç yazıları
Karakoc, Sezai Diriliş Yayınları 2004 Turkish BP179 .K27 2004 Islam, Fasting, Religion
Node ID: 2017
The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror
Bernard Lewis The Modern Library 2003 English BP182 .L48 2003
Node ID: 3968
Deadly clerics: blocked ambition and the paths to jihad Nielsen, Richard A. Cambridge University Press 2017 English BP182 .N54 2017 Jihad, Islam, Political and social views
Node ID: 4461
The shrines of the 'Alids in medieval Syria: Sunnis, Shi'is and the architecture of coexistence Mulder, Stephennie F. Edinburgh University Press 2014 English BP187.55.S95 M85 2014 Islam, Medieval, Syria, Shi'ism, Sunnism
Node ID: 4645
Visits and customs: the visit to the tomb of the prophet Hūd = Ziyārāt wa-ʻādāt : ziyārat Nabī Allāh Hūd = زيارات وعادات : زيارة نبى الله هود Ṣabbān, ʻAbd al-Qādir Muḥammad; American Institute for Yemeni Studies 1998 English, Arabic BP187.55.Y4 S32 1998 Yemen, Shrines, Islam, Prophet
Node ID: 3970
Queer Muslims in Europe: sexuality, religion and migration in Belgium Peumans, Wim I.B. Tauris 2018 English BP188.14.H65 P38 2018 Islam, Homosexuality, Belgium, Religion, Migration, Sexuality
Node ID: 3023
Religion and Youth in Modern Muslim Societies = Religii͡a i molodezhʹ v sovremennykh musulʹmanskikh obshchestvakh Munavvarov, Z.I. and R.J. Krumm (editors) Scientific and Educational Center of al-Imam al-Bukhari, Friedrich Ebert Foundation 2007 English, Russian BP188.18 .Y68 M49 2007 Muslim youth
Node ID: 3369
Sufism, vol. XV, no. 2
V.XV, N.2
International Association of Sufism 2010 English BP188.45 .S843 v.xv n.2 Sufism
Node ID: 4607
Mystics, monarchs and messiahs: cultural landscapes of early modern Iran Babayan, Kathryn Harvard University Press, Center for Middle Eastern Studies 2002 English BP188.8.I55 B33 2002
Node ID: 3920
The mystics of Al-Andalus: Ibn Barrajan and Islamic thought in the twelfth century Casewit, Yousef Cambridge University Press 2017 English BP188.8.S72 A533 2017 Andalusia, Al-Andalus, Mysticism, Sufism, Spain, Ibn Barrajan
Node ID: 3966
Sufism: a new history of Islamic mysticism Knysh, Alexander Princeton University Press 2017 English BP189 .K695 2017 Sufism, Islam, Mysticism
Node ID: 2760
The Doctrine of the Ṣūfīs (Kitāb al-ta'arruf li-madhhab ahl al-taṣawwuf) Kalābādhī, Muḥammed ibn Ibrāhīm Cambridge University Press 1977 English BP189.26 .K3813 1977 Sufism
Node ID: 4456
A Sufi rule for novices = Kitāb ādāb al-murīdīn of Abū al-Najīb al-Suhrawardī Suhrawardi, Abd al-Qahir ibn Abd Allah Harvard University Press 1975 BP189.6.S947 aE1 Sufism, Religion
Node ID: 4498
Memory, music, and religion: Morocco's mystical chanters Waugh, Earle H. University of South Carolina Press 2005 English BP189.65.M87 W38 2005 Islam, Music, Islamic music, Religion, Sufism, Morocco
Node ID: 3901
Degisen kosullarda Alevilik = Değişen koşullarda Alevilik Camuroglu, Reha Kapi Yayinlari 2005 Turkish BP189.7.B4 C36 2005 Alevism, Alevis, Islam, Turkey
Node ID: 4989
Hz. Peygamber ve fütüvvet Kerim Eğitim Kültür ve Sağlık Vakfı ve TÜRKKAD İstanbul Şubesi 2017 Turkish BP189.7.F8 H9 2017 Muhammad, Sufism, Muslims, Islam, Turkey
Node ID: 2813
Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi and the Whirling Dervishes Halman, Talat Sait and Metin And Dost Yayınları 1983 English BP189.7.M4 H34 1983 Rumi, Sufism, Miniatures
Node ID: 4405
Messianic hopes and mystical visions: the Nurbakhshiya between medieval and modern Islam = Messianic hopes and mystical visions: the Nūrbakhshīya between medieval and modern Islam Bashir, Shahzad University of South Carolina Press 2003 English BP189.7.N87 B37 2003 Islam, Sufism
Node ID: 2741
After Jihad: America and the Struggle for Islamic Democracy
Feldman, Noah Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2003 English BP190.5.D45 F45 2003 Islamic democracy, Politics, United States, Islam
Node ID: 4487
Dreams & visions in the world of Islam: a history of Muslim dreaming and foreknowing Sirriyeh, Elizabeth I.B. Tauris 2015 English BP190.5.D73 S57 2015 Islam
Node ID: 3837
The fall of the Turkish model: how the Arab uprisings brought down Islamic Liberalism Tugal, Cihan Verso 2016 English BP190.5.F7 T84 2016 Turkey, Arab Spring, Liberalism, Politics and Government, Arab countries
Node ID: 4419
A history of Shi'i Islam Daftary, Farhad I.B. Tauris in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies 2013 English BP192 .D34 2013 Shi'ism, History
Node ID: 4642
Converting Persia: religion and power in the Safavid Empire Abisaab, Rula Jurdi I.B. Tauris 2004 English BP192.7.I68 A35 2004 Conversion, Religion, Safavid, Iran
Node ID: 2817
Islamic Teachings: An Overview
First Edition
Ṭabāṭabāʼī, 'Allameh Sayyed Muḥammad Ḥusayn Mostazafan Foundation of New York 1989 English BP193.5 .T29 1989 Islam
Node ID: 4842
Turathuna = Turāthunā, N.105 & 106
N.105 & 106
Muʼassasat Āl al-Bayt li-Iḥyāʼ al-Turāth 2010 Arabic BP193.5 .T87 n.105/106 2010 Shi'ism, Periodicals, Islam
Node ID: 3116
Turathuna = Turāthunā, N.107 & 108
N.107 & 108
Muʼassasat Āl al-Bayt li-Iḥyāʼ al-Turāth 2011 Arabic BP193.5 .T87 n.107/108 2011 Periodicals, Shi'ism, Islam
Node ID: 4976
Turathuna = Turāthunā, N.133
Muʼassasat Āl al-Bayt li-Iḥyāʼ al-Turāth 2017 Arabic BP193.5 .T87 n.133 2017 Shi'ism, Periodicals, Islam
Node ID: 4977
Turathuna = Turāthunā, N.134
Muʼassasat Āl al-Bayt li-Iḥyāʼ al-Turāth 2018 Arabic BP193.5 .T87 n.134 2018 Shi'ism, Islam, Periodicals
Node ID: 4843
Turathuna = Turāthunā, N.139
Muʼassasat Āl al-Bayt li-Iḥyāʼ al-Turāth 2019 Arabic BP193.5 .T87 n.139 2019 Shi'ism, Islam, Periodicals
Node ID: 4841
Turathuna = Turāthunā, N.140
Muʼassasat Āl al-Bayt li-Iḥyāʼ al-Turāth 2019 Arabic BP193.5 .T87 n.140 2019 Shi'ism, Periodicals, Islam
Node ID: 3115
Turathuna = Turāthunā, N.62
Muʼassasat Āl al-Bayt li-Iḥyāʼ al-Turāth 2000 Arabic BP193.5 .T87 n.62 2000 Islam, Shi'ism, Periodicals
Node ID: 3826
Controversies in formative Shiʻi Islam: the Ghulat Muslims and their beliefs Asatryan, Mushegh I.B. Tauris in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies 2017 English BP194.1 .A83 2017 Islamic sects, History, Doctrine, Shi'ism
Node ID: 4934
al-Shi'ah wa-al-tashayyu': firaq wa-tarikh = الشیعة و التشیع فرق و اتریخ
al-Ṭabʻah 3
Zahir, Ihsan Ilahi Idārat Tarjumān al-Sunnah 1984 Arabic BP194.1 .Z3417 1984 Shi'ism, Controversial literature, Islamic sects
Node ID: 3888
Turkiye'den Avrupa'ya Alevi hareketinin siyasallasmasi = Türkiye'den Avrupa'ya Alevi hareketinin siyasallaşması Massicard, Elise İletişim Yayınları 2007 Turkish BP195 .N7 M4141 2007 Alevis, Alevism, Political movements, Turkey, Germany
Node ID: 2801
The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam Ahmad, Ghulam The London Mosque 1979 Arabic, English BP195.A6 A355 1979 Ahmadiyya
Node ID: 3559
Alevilik Engin, Ismail and Havva Engin Kitap Yayinevi 2004 Turkish BP195.A74 A444 2004 Alevis, Alevism, Islam
Node ID: 3623
Cycle of fear: Syria's Alawites in war and peace Goldsmith, Leon T. Hurst & Company 2015 English BP195.N7 G65 2015 Alawites, Syria, Civil War, History
Node ID: 4798
ʻUyūn al-rasāʼil wa-al-ajwibah ʻalá al-masāʼil = Uyun al-rasail wa-al-ajwibah ala al-masail
Volume 1
Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab, 'Abd al-Latif ibn ʻAbd al-Rahman ibn Hasan ibn Muhammad Maktabat al-Rushd 2000 Arabic BP195.W2 I26 2000 V.1 Doctrine, Islam, Wahhabism
Node ID: 4799
ʻUyūn al-rasāʼil wa-al-ajwibah ʻalá al-masāʼil = Uyun al-rasail wa-al-ajwibah ala al-masail
Volume 2
Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab, 'Abd al-Latif ibn ʻAbd al-Rahman ibn Hasan ibn Muhammad Maktabat al-Rushd 2000 Arabic BP195.W2 I26 2000 V.2 Wahhabism, Doctrine, Islam
Node ID: 4810
Hādhī hiya al-Wahhābīyah Maghniyah, Muhammad Jawad Dār al-Jawād 1982 Arabic BP195.W2 M34 1982 Wahhabism, Islamic fundamentalism, fundamentalism
Node ID: 3112
Has Usama bin Laden Sprung From the Womb of "Wahhabism"?
Second Edition
Mohammed, Abdalla M. Tayer and Mohammed A. Al Al-Sheikh Center for Saudi Studies 2002 English BP195.W2 M64 2002 Wahhabism, Osama bin Laden, Wahhabi
Node ID: 2800
Al-Shaikh Muhammad Ibn ʻAbd Al-Wahhab: His Life and Reformatory Movement
First Edition
Ibn Hajar ibn Muhammad Al Butami N'umani Kutub Khana 1981 English BP195.W22 I26 1981x Wahhabism, Biography
Node ID: 4777
al-Zaydiyah = الزیدیة Ismail, Abd Allah bin Muhammad bin Imam Zaid bin Ali Cultural Foundation 2000 Arabic BP195.Z2 I86 2000 Zaydism, Zaydiyah
Node ID: 4775
Man hum al-Zaydiyah? = من هم الزيدية؟
Corrected third edition
Fadil, Yahya جمعیة عمال المطابع التعاونیة 1981 Arabic BP195.Z2F92 1981 Zaydiyah, Zaydism