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Type Title Artist / Author Producer / Publisher Year Language Call Number Key Words
Node ID: 4459
Modernizing Yazd: selective historical memory and the fate of vernacular architecture Modarres, Ali Mazda Publishers 2006 English NA9248.Y39 M63 2006 City planning, Urban planning, Yazd, Iran, History, Architecture
Node ID: 4468
Space and Muslim urban life: at the limits of the labyrinth of Fez O'Meara, Simon Routledge 2007 English NA9053 .W3 O44 2007 Islamic law, Buildings, Architecture, Morocco, Cities
Node ID: 4635
The sultan's turrets: a study of the origin and evolution of the minaret in Cairo Hassid, Samuel Imprimerie Misr 1939 English NA6083.H35 Architecture, Mosque, Cairo, Islamic Architecture
Node ID: 4728
Masājid al-Yaman: nashʾatuhā, taṭawwuruhā, khaṣāʾiṣuhā
al-Ṭabʻah 1., muṣaḥḥaḥah. (first corrected edition)
Zakarīyā, Muḥammad Markaz ʻAbbādī lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr 1998 Arabic NA4670 .Z35 1998 Islamic Architecture, Mosque, Yemen
Node ID: 4416
Ornament and decoration in Islamic architecture Clevenot, Dominique and Gerard Degeorge Thames & Hudson 2000 English NA380 .D5713 2000 Islamic Architecture, Islamic Art, Architecture, Art
Node ID: 1658
al-Abwāb wa-al-nuqūsh al-khashabīyah fī ʻimārat al-Shāriqah al-taqlīdīyah : dirāsah shāmilah li-anwāʻ al-abwāb wa-al-shabābīk wa-al-zakhārif wa-al-nuqūsh al-khashabīyah fī Madīnat al-Shāriqah Saʻīd ʻAbd Allāh Wāyil Dāʼirat al-Thaqāfah wa-al-Iʻlām 2003 Arabic NA3010 .W39 2003 United Arab Emirates, Craftsmanship
Node ID: 1922
Mughal India G H R Tillotson Chronicle Books 1990 English NA1502 .T54 1990  
Node ID: 4441
Power and patronage in medieval Syria: the architecture and urban works of Tankiz al-Nāṣirī Kenney, Ellen V. Middle East Documentation Center 2009 English NA1489.6 .K46 2009 Architecture, Syria, Art
Node ID: 3952
Seizing Jerusalem: the architectures of unilateral unification Nitzan-Shiftan, Alona University of Minnesota Press 2017 English NA1478.J4 N58 2017 Jerusalem, Architecture, Nationalism, Landscape design, City planning, Urban planning
Node ID: 3230
Osmanli mimarisinde Fatih devri, 855-886 (1451-1481): III = Osmanlı miʻmâr̂ısinde Fâtih devri, 855-886 (1451-1481) : III Ayverdi, Ekrem Hakki Baha Matbaası 1973 Turkish NA1365 .A96 Architecture
Node ID: 2876
Osmanli mimarisinde Celebi ve II. Sultan Murad devri, 806-855 (1403-1451): II = Osmanlı miʻmâr̂ısinde Çelebi ve II. Sultan Murad devri, 806-855 (1403-1451): II Ayverdi, Ekrem Hakki Baha Matbaası 1972 Turkish NA1365 .A95 Architecture
Node ID: 4578
Cities and saints: Sufism and the transformation of urban space in medieval Anatolia Wolper, Ethel Sara The Pennsylvania State University Press 2003 English NA1363 .W65 2003 Urban planning, Architecture, Islamic Architecture, Sufism, Turkey, Medieval
Node ID: 2828
Turkiye'de Vakif Abideler ve Eski Eserler = Türkiye'de Vakıf Abideler ve Eski Eserler Erken, Sabih Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları 1977 Turkish NA1361 .T92 v.2 Architecture
Node ID: 4467
The appearance of Persian on Islamic art O'Kane, Bernard Persian Heritage Foundation 2009 N8265 .O42 2009 Islamic Art, Script, Persian
Node ID: 4446
Picturing the Middle East: a hundred years of European Orientalism Dahesh Museum 1996 English N8217.E88 P53 1996 Art, Europe, Middle East, Orientalism
Node ID: 3954
Mediterranean encounters: artists between Europe and the Ottoman Empire, 1774-1839 Fraser, Elisabeth A. The Pennsylvania State University Press 2017 English N8214.5.M48 F73 2017 Artists, Travel, Turkey, Europe, Ottoman Empire, Relations
Node ID: 2919
Güzel sanatlar
Turkey. Milli eğitim bakanliği Milli eğitim bakanliği 1949 Turkish N8 .G8 v.6 Turkey, Art
Node ID: 3845
Surrealism in Egypt: modernism and the Art and Liberty Group Bardaouil, Sam I.B. Tauris 2017 English N7381.75.S97 B37 2017 Surrealism, Art, Modernism, Egypt
Node ID: 4650
Flagellum Dei: the destruction of the cultural heritage in the Turkish occupied part of Cyprus
Fifth edition
Cyprus. Grapheio Typou kai Plērophoriōn Press and Information Office 1997 English N7290.C9 F43 1997 Cyprus, Turkey, Art, Archeology
Node ID: 4651
Persian art: Calouste Gulbenkian Collection Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian 1972 English N7280.F86 Iranian Art, Art
Node ID: 1674
al-Khamsah : qirāʼah fī tajārib khamsat fanānīn min Dawlat al-Imārāt al-ʻArabīyah al-Muttaḥidah : Ḥasan Sharīf, Ḥusayn Sharīf, Muḥammad Aḥmad Ibrāhīm, Muḥammad Kāẓim, ʻAbd Allāh al-Saʻdī
al-Ṭabʻah 1
Sharif, Hassan Dāʼirat al-Thaqāfah wa-al-Iʻlām 2003 Arabic N7273 .H37 2003   Art, United Arab Emirates
Node ID: 1982
Saudi Arabia, an artist's view of the past
Safeya Binzagr; Arabian Resource Management Three Continents Publishers with the collaboration of Arabian Resource Management 1979 English N7272.B56 A4 1979  
Node ID: 2009
Tarjama/Translation : contemporary art from the Middle East, Central Asia, and their diasporas
Leeza Ahmady; Iftikhar Dadi; Reem Fadda; Queens Museum of Art.; Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art. ArteEast 2009 English N7265.T37 A4 2009   
Node ID: 3687
Art et societe dans le monde iranien = Art et société dans le monde iranien Adle, C. Editions Recherche sur les civilisations 1982 French N72.S6 A741 1982 Iran, Islamic Art, Art
Node ID: 2026
The Flooding of Narration - The Art of Cell Ali Ezouik Alresalah Bookshop 2009 English and Arabic N72.B56 S54 2009
Node ID: 2124
Turkish art Esin Atıl National government publication 1980 English N7161 .T84 1980  
Node ID: 3203
Toruko bunmei ten = Uygarlıklar ülkesi Türkiye = Land of civilizations, Turkey Chūkintō Bunka Sentā 1985 English, Turkish, Japanese N7161 .T678 1985 Art, Turkey
Node ID: 4428
A cultural history of the Ottomans: the imperial elite and its artefacts Faroqhi, Suraiya I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd. 2016 English N7161 .F37 2016 Turkish Art, Ottoman Empire, History, Art, Civilization
Node ID: 4407
Other Turkish treasures from the Binney collection Binney, Edwin Los Angeles County Museum of Art 1974 English N7161 .B515o Turkish Art, Islamic Art, Art
Node ID: 4477
L'Islam dans les collections nationales: [Paris, Grand-Palais], 2 mai--22 août 1977 Éditions des Musées nationaux 1977 French N6264.F8 P345i Islamic Art, Art
Node ID: 4465
The treasures of Islamic art in the museums of Cairo O'Kane, Bernard American University in Cairo Press 2006 English N6264.E3 C347 2006 Islamic Art, Art, Cairo
Node ID: 4394
Islamic ceramics Allan, James W. Ashmolean Museum 1991 English N6263.O95 A44 1991 Pottery
Node ID: 1873
Islamic art in the Metropolitan Museum Linda Komaroff National Endowment for the Humanities 1992 English N6263.N4 N45   Islamic, Art
Node ID: 3657
L'art islamique: bassin mediterraneen = L'art islamique: bassin méditerranéen Salam-Liebich, Hayat Flammarion 1983 French N6260 .S55 1983 Art, Architecture, Islamic Art
Node ID: 4466
Treasures of Islam: artistic glories of the Muslim world O'Kane, Bernard Duncan Baird 2007 English N6260 .O43 2007 Islamic Art, Art, Muslim world
Node ID: 4438
Islamic art: an introduction James, David Hamlyn 1974 English N6260 .J232i Islamic Art, Art
Node ID: 4647
Islamic art and architecture 650-1250
Second Edition
Ettinghausen, Richard; Grabar, Oleg, Jenkins-Madina, Marilyn Yale University Press 2001 English N6260 .E82 2001 Islamic Architecture, Islamic Art, Medieval
Node ID: 1874
Islamic Arts Jonathan Bloom; Sheila Blair Phaidon Press 1997 English N6260 .B57 1997  
Node ID: 4395
Five essays on Islamic art Allen, Terry Solipsist Press 1988 English N6260 .A388 1988 Islamic Art, Art
Node ID: 4396
Habib Anavian collection: Iranian art from the 5th millenium B.C. to the 7th century A.D. Habib Anavian Galleries Habib Anavian Galleries 1977 English N5390 .A53 1977 Art, Iranian Art
Node ID: 1972
Reading Egyptian art : a hieroglyphic guide to ancient Egyptian painting and sculpture Richard H Wilkinson Thames and Hudson 1992 English N5350 .W49 1992
Node ID: 1654
Aḥmad Amīn al-Madanī : mutawāliyat al-ʻuzlah wa-al-ḥanīn
al-Ṭabʻah 1
Zarʻūnī, Asmāʼ Dāʼirat al-Thaqāfah wa-al-Iʻlām 2002 Arabic MLCSN 2002 Poetry, United Arab Emirates
Node ID: 3410
Komitas (1869-1935): victim of the great crime Karakashian, Meline N/A [2014] English ML410.K73536 K37 2014 Komitas, Composers, Music, Genocide
Node ID: 3745
Heavy metal Islam LeVine, Mark Three Rivers Press 2008 English ML3918.P67 L48 2008 Popular music, Music, Morocco, Egypt, Islamic countries, Middle East
Node ID: 3977
Soundtrack of the revolution: the politics of music in Iran Siamdoust, Nahid Stanford University Press 2017 English ML3917.I7 S49 2017 Iran, Music, Politics and Government
Node ID: 4753
al-Ughnīyah al-waṭanīyah fī al-Yaman Thabit, Ahmad Sayf al-Ughnīyah al-waṭanīyah fī al-Yaman 1988 Arabic ML3758.Y4 T42x 1988 Yemen, Music, History, Criticism
Node ID: 4417
Palestinian Arab music: a Maqam tradition in practice = Palestinian Arab music: a Maqām tradition in practice Cohen, Dalia University of Chicago Press 2006 English ML3754 .C632 2006 Music, Palestinians, Arabs, Israel, Palestine
Node ID: 4433
The lost paradise: Andalusi music in urban North Africa Glasser, Jonathan The University of Chicago Press 2016 English ML350 .G63 2016 Music, Algeria, Morocco, Andalusia, Civilization, North Africa
Node ID: 3420
Music and traditions of the Arabian Peninsula: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar Urkevich, Lisa Routledge 2015 English ML348 .U75 2015 Arabian Peninsula, Music, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar
Node ID: 3424
Iranian classical music: the discourses and practice of creativity Nooshin, Laudan Ashgate 2015 English ML344 .N66 2015 Iran, Music