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Type Title Artist / Author Producer / Publisher Year Language Call Number Key Words
Node ID: 2136
Webster's New World dictionary of American English
3rd Ed.
Victoria Neufeldt; David B Guralnik Webster's New World 1988 English PE1628 .W5633 1988  
Node ID: 3847
La problématique traductologique entre l'anglais, le français et le turc Derkunt, J. Umran Mamara Üniversitesi Yayınlar 2001 French PE1498.2.F74 U57 2001 Turkish, French, English, Translation
Node ID: 1699
Arab media and political renewal : community, legitimacy and public life Sakr, Naomi I.B. Tauris 2007 English P95.82.M628 A73 2007 Politics, Press, Media, Journalism
Node ID: 1808
Exploring the Greek Mosaic: A Guide to Intercultural Communication in Greece
Broome, Benjamine Intercultural Press, Inc. 1996 English P94.65.G8 B76 1996   Intercultural Communication, Greece, Foreign relations
Node ID: 2054
The Maltese interactive picture dictionary
CD for computer
Heather Kaufmann; Lydia Sciriha; Virginia W Westwood; PROTEA Textware. Protea Textware 1997 English P53.28 .C34 v.14 1997
Node ID: 3294
Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, v.17
V. 17
National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages 2015 English P53 .J6573 v.17 2015 Languages
Node ID: 3293
Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, v.16
National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages 2014 English P53 .J6573 v.16 2014 Languages
Node ID: 2011
Teacher's handbook : contextualized language instruction
Judith L Shrum; Eileen W Glisan Heinle Cengage 2005 English P51 .S48 1994
Node ID: 4424
Noble dreams, wicked pleasures: orientalism in America, 1870-1930 Edwards, Holly Princeton University Press in association with the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute 2000 English NX503.7 .E355 2000 Orientalism, Art, United States
Node ID: 4452
Enfoldment and infinity: an Islamic genealogy of new media art Marks, Laura U. MIT Press 2010 English NX456.5.N49 M37 2010 Art, Islamic Art
Node ID: 1733
Bedouin jewellery in Saudi Arabia Ross, Heather Colyer Stacey International 1978 English NK7373.6.S2 R67   Bedouins, Jewelry, Saudi Arabia
Node ID: 4619
Islamisk kunst = Islamic art / Davids samling C. L. Davids fond og samling Davids samling 1975 Danish, English NK720 .D28i Islamic Art, Art
Node ID: 1994
Silver : the traditional art of Oman Ruth Hawley Stacey International 2000 English NK7173.6.O45 H39 2000
Node ID: 4462
Tresors de l'Islam au Cabinet des Médailles Nègre, Arlette Bibliothèque Nationale 1981 French NK6473 .B77t 1981 Islamic Art, Art
Node ID: 4646
Caskets from Cordoba Beckwith, John H.M. Stationery Office 1960 English NK5810.L7 V6b Islamic Art, Islamic Spain
Node ID: 2135
Weapons of the Islamic world : swords & Armour : exhibition held at the Islamic Gallery in King Faisal Foundation Center, Riyadh, 1991 Markaz al-Malik Fayṣal lil-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt al-Islāmīyah Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : King Faisal Center for Research 1991 English NK4773.6.S2 W43 1991
Node ID: 3305
Topkapi Sarayi'ndaki sifali gomlekler = Topkapı Sarayı'ndaki şifalı gömlekler Tezcan, Hulya BİKA 2006 Turkish NK4765.A1 T49 2006 Turkey, Calligraphy, Clothing
Node ID: 4402
Gurgan faiences Bahrami, Mehdi Mazdâ 19 English NK4147 .B29 1988 Pottery, Iran
Node ID: 4495
Medieval Near Eastern pottery Victoria and Albert Museum H.M. Stationery Off 1957 NK4145 .V53 1957 Pottery, Egypt, Medieval, Middle East
Node ID: 4393
Medieval Middle Eastern pottery Allan, James W. Ashmolean Museum 1971 English NK4145 .A417m Pottery
Node ID: 2125
Turkish Ceramics Tahsin Öz [Ankara] Turkish Press 1954 English NK4129 .O9  
Node ID: 4400
Ceramics from the world of Islam, by Esin Atil Freer Gallery of Art Smithsonian Institution 1973 English NK3880.W52 F87 Pottery
Node ID: 4470
Perpetual glory: medieval Islamic ceramics from the Harvey B. Plotnick Collection
First edition
Pancaroglu, Oya Yale University Press 2007 English NK3880 .P36 2007 Pottery, Medieval, Islamic countries
Node ID: 1794
Early Islamic ceramics : ninth to late twelfth centuries Helen Philon; T Townsend Walford; Vanessa Stamford; Mouseio Benakē. Islamic Art Publications 1980 English NK3880 .P35   Islam, Pottery, Medieval, Islamic Art
Node ID: 4453
Shine like the sun: lustre-painted and associated pottery from the medieval Middle East Mason, Robert B. Mazda Publishers in association with Royal Ontario Museum 2004 English NK3880 .M37 2004 Pottery, Medieval, Middle East
Node ID: 4439
Islamic pottery: a brief history Jenkins, Marilyn Metropolitan Museum of Art 1983 English NK3880 .J45 1983 Pottery
Node ID: 4479
Anadolu Selçuklu mimarisinde yazının dekoratif eleman olarak kullanılışı Şahinoğlu, Metin Türk Eğitim Vakfı 1977 Turkish NK3636.5.A2 S33 1977 Calligraphy, Turkey, Architecture, Seljuks
Node ID: 2013
The Art of Arabic Calligraphy
Ghulam, Yousif Mahmud Y.M. Ghulam 1982 Arabic NK3633.A2 G58 1982
Node ID: 4653
One hundred kilims: masterpieces from Anatolia Petsopoulos, Yanni Alexandria Press in association with L. King 1991 English NK2865.A1 P48 1991 Craftsmanship, Turkey, Textiles
Node ID: 4673
Hunarhāy-i sunatī-i Īrān: Qālībāfī = Hunarhay-i sunati-i Iran: Qalibafi = هنرهاى سنتى ايران : قالىبافى Sattari, Muhammad Kitābhāy-i Shukūfah 1988 Persian NK2809 .P4 S38 1988 Textiles, Craftsmanship, Iran
Node ID: 2119
Tribal and Village Rugs from Arizona Collections George W O'Bannon; Tucson Museum of Art Oriental Rug and Textile Association 1998 English NK2808 .O26 1998  
Node ID: 1943
Oriental rugs : a bibliography George W O'Bannon Scarecrow Press 1994 English NK2808 .O23 1994  
Node ID: 1944
Oriental rugs in colour Preben Liebetrau Macmillan 1963 English NK2808 .L683 
Node ID: 1961
Persian designs and motifs for artists and craftsmen Ali Dowlatshahi Dover Publications 1979 English NK1474.A1 D68 1979  
Node ID: 1876
Islamic designs for artists and craftspeople Eva Wilson Dover 1988 English NK1270 .W55 1988
Node ID: 2116
Traditional crafts of Saudi Arabia John Topham; Anthony N Landreau; William E Mulligan Stacey International 2005 English NK1039.S2 T6 2005  
Node ID: 4674
Hunarhāy-i sunatī-i Īrān: Qalamzanī = Hunarhay-i sunati-i Iran: Qalamzani = هنرهاى سنتى ايران : قلمزنى Sattari, Muhammad Shikūfah 1988 Persian NE741 .I73 S35 1988 Iran, Art
Node ID: 1997
Stass Paraskos Norbert Lynton; Stass Paraskos Orage Press 2003 English ND990.C93 P3735 2003
Node ID: 2150
Yikṣad purtra az sīmāī-i pahliwān taḫtī : āṯār-i ṭarrāḥī, naqqāšī wa grāfīk=Portrait of a champion takhti Bihzad Šīšagarān 1998 Persian ND3399.S65 1998 Illustrations, Iran, Persian
Node ID: 3390
A king's book of kings: the Shah-nameh of Shah Tahmasp
Welch, Stuart Cary The Metropolitan Museum of Ar 1976 English ND3399.F5 W4 1976 Shahnameh, Iran, Firdawsi
Node ID: 4499
Wonders of the age: masterpieces of early Safavid painting, 1501-1576 Welch, Stuart Cary Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University 1979 English ND3241 .W447 1979 Iranian Art, Art, Manuscripts, Miniatures
Node ID: 4488
Art of the Persian courts: selections from the Art and History Trust Collection Soudavar, Abolala Rizzoli 1992 ND3241 .S68 1992 Art, Iranian Art, Manuscripts, Islamic Art
Node ID: 4584
Persian miniature painting, including a critical and descriptive catalogue of the miniatures exhibited at Burlington House, January-March, 1931
Reprint of the 1933 edition
Binyon, Laurence, J.V.S. Wilkinson, and Basil Gray Dover Publications 1971 English ND3241 .B5 1971 Miniatures, Illustrations, Manuscripts, Persian, Iranian Art
Node ID: 4399
Turkish miniature painting Atasoy, Nurhan, Filiz Cagman, and Esin Atil R. C. D. Cultural Institute 1974 Englısh ND3228 .A86t Manuscripts, Turkish Art, Miniatures
Node ID: 4455
Turkish miniatures Meredith-Owens, G. M. Trustees of the British Museum 1969 English ND3211 .M47 1969 Turkish Art, Art, Miniatures
Node ID: 4406
Turkish miniature paintings and manuscripts from the collection of Edwin Binney 3rd, by Edwin Binney, 3rd Binney, Edwin The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1973 English ND3211 .B515t Turkish Art, Manuscripts, Art, Miniatures
Node ID: 4648
Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi İslâm minyatürleri Çağman, Feliz; Tanındı, Zeren Güzel Sanatlar Matbaası 1979 Turkish ND2898.T9 T66 1979 Miniatures, Islamic Art
Node ID: 4426
Islamic painting Ettinghausen, Richard and Marie Lukens Swietochowski The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1978 English ND146 .I79 1978 Islamic Art, Art, Arab Art, Iranian Art, Turkish Art
Node ID: 4449
Off the wall: political posters of the Lebanese Civil War Maasri, Zeina I.B. Tauris 2009 English NC1806.8 .M33 2009 Lebanon, Civil War, Arab Art, Political culture, History
Node ID: 2149
Yikṣad purtra az sīmāī-i pahliwān taḫtī : āṯār-i ṭarrāḥī, naqqāšī wa grāfīk Bihzad Šīšagarān [S.l.] [s.n.] 1377 h.š 1998 Persian NC1050.I7 S6 Drawing, Iran, Persian