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Type Title Artist / Author Producer / Publisher Year Language Call Number Key Words
Node ID: 3376
The Holy Family in Egypt = The Holy Family in Egypt Egyptian Ministry of Tourism 1999 English BT315.2 .H659 1999 Egypt, Jesus Christ, Religion
Node ID: 3373
What is Palestine/Israel?: answers to common questions Weaver, Sonia K. Mennonite Central Committee Canada 2004 English BT93.8 .W43 2004 Arab-Israeli conflict, Palestine, Israel
Node ID: 2120
Triumph from Tragedy
Araxi Hubbard Dutton Palmer 1997 English BV3170 .P34
Node ID: 4761
Vindicating a vision, the story of the American mission in Egypt, 1854-1954 Elder, Earl Edgar Board of Foreign Missions of the United Presbyterian Church of N[orth] A[merica] 1958 English BV3570 .E37 Missions, Egypt, Christianity
Node ID: 4755
The American mission in Egypt, 1854-1896
Watson, Andrew United Presbyterian Board of Publication 1898 English BV3570 .W332a 1898 Egypt, Christianity, Missions
Node ID: 3964
Caring for the poor: Islamic and Christian benevolence in a liberal world Tugal, Cihan Routledge 2017 English BV4639 .T84 2017 Islam, Christianity, ethics
Node ID: 2621
The Maronites: roots and identity Tayah, Wadih Peter Bet Moroon Publishers 1987 English BX182 .T39X 1987 Maronite, Lebanon, Christianity
Node ID: 3916
The Sufi and the friar: a mystical encounter of two men of God in the abode of Islam Dallh, Minlib SUNY Press 2017 English BX4705.B26515 D35 2017 Islam, Christian mysticism, Mysticism, Serge de Beaurecueil, Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
Node ID: 1921
Morgenland -- Abendland; Fragmente zu einer Kritik "abendländlischer" Geschichtsbetrachtung. Heinz Herz Leipzig, Koehler 1963 German CB251 .H44 1963  
Node ID: 2109
The war for Muslim minds : Islam and the West Gilles Kepel Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2004 English CB251 .K3813 2004 
Node ID: 3366
The Judgement of Allah: the arms and armor of Islam
fitzGilbert, Balian Society for Creative Anachronism 1989 English CB353 .C65 v.46 Armor, Weaponry, Islam
Node ID: 4655
Tārīkh al-nuqūd fī Salṭanat ʻUmān = History of currency in the sultanate of Oman Darley-Doran, Roberth E. al-Bank al-Markazī al-ʻUmānī 1990 English, Arabic CJ3459 .D37 1990 Currency, Oman
Node ID: 3594
The Banknotes of the Imperial Bank of Persia: an analysis of a complex system with catalogue
No. 30
Bonine, Michael American Numismatic Society 2016 English CJ35.N91 no.30 Bank notes, Currency, Iran, Numismatics
Node ID: 3902
The Bin Ladens: an Arabian family in the American century Coll, Steve The Penguin Press 2008 English CS1129 .B552 2008 Osama bin Laden, Bin Laden, Saudi Arabia
Node ID: 1631
A Dictionary of Arab Tribes Nishio, Tetsuo Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa 1999 English CS1549.5 .D52 1999 Dictionary, tribes, Arab Tribes
Node ID: 4367
Nām: pizhūhishī dar nāmhā-yi Īrānīyān-i muʻāṣir = Nam: pizhuhishi dar namha-yi Iraniyan-i muasir Bihniya, Abd al-Karim ʻA. al-K. Bihniyā 1364 [1985] Persian CS2375.I67 B555 1985 Iranian names
Node ID: 4920
Farhang-i nam: shamil, namha-yi Irani va Islami Nurbakhsh, Husayn Ghazzali 1360 (1981) Persian CS2375.I67 N8 1981x Iran, Names, Iranian names, History, Muhammad, Prophets
Node ID: 3593
The Story of Turkish surnames: an onomastic study of Turkish family names, their origins, and related matters
Volume 1
Aksu, Ibrahim Olay Gazete Press 2005 English CS3040 .A42 2005 v.1 Turkish names, Folklore, Turkey, Names
Node ID: 2840
Solacers Golmakani, Arion Red Corn Poppy Books 2011 English CT1888.G65 A3 2011 childhood, Iran
Node ID: 3492
Killing time in Saudi Arabia: an American experience Heines, Matthew D. heinessightpress 2014 English CT275.H45 S33 2014 Saudi Arabia, Americans
Node ID: 1763
Come with me from Lebanon : an American family odyssey Ann Zwicker Kerr Syracuse University Press 1994 English CT275.K45866 A3 1994   Americans abroad, Lebanon, Biography
Node ID: 3026
Encyclopedia of Central Asian scholars Saad, Abdullah Abdulhamid Publishing House of the Republican Scientific-Educational Center of Al-Imam Al-Bukhari 2008 Arabic, English CT3990.A2 S2313 2008 Central Asia
Node ID: 1806
English-Arabic word list
Government Documents
United States Air Force Academy.; Arabian American Oil Company United States Air Force Academy 1984 English D 305.2:Ar 1  Reference, dictionaries, Military
Node ID: 3211
The Iranian journal of international affairs, v.1 n.1
V.1, N.1
Institute for Political and International Studies 1989 English D1 .I67 v.1 n.1 1989 Iran, Foreign affairs
Node ID: 3666
Muslims in the West: caught between rights & duties: redefining the separation of church & state Aldeeb Abu-Sahlieh, Sami A. Shangri-La Publications 2002 English D1056.2.A7 M87513 2002 Islam, Muslims, West, Europe, Switzerland, Ethnic relations, Culture conflict, Social conditions, Political activity
Node ID: 1744
Beyond the White House Lawn: Current Perspectives on the Arab-Israeli Peace Process Anti-Defamination League Anti Defamination League 1995 English D119.7 Z83 1994   Arab-Israeli conflict, Israel, Palestine, Foreign relations, United States
Node ID: 2762
Holy War: The Crusades and Their Impact on Today's World
Second Edition
Armstrong, Karen Anchor Books 2001 English D157 .A76 2001 Crusades, History
Node ID: 3935
Crusade and jihad: the thousand-year war between the Muslim world and the global north Polk, William R. Yale University Press 2018 English D157 .P56 2018 Crusades, Jihad, Christianity, Islam
Node ID: 4638
A German Third Crusader's chronicle of his voyage and the siege of Almohad Silves, 1189 AD/Muwahid Xelb, 585 AH: De itinere navali Cushing, Dana Antimony Media 2013 English, Latin, Portuguese D163 .C87 2013 Crusades, Islamic Portugal, Portugal
Node ID: 4660
The origin and development of Muslim historiography
First edition
Rasul, Muhammad Gholam Lahore, Sh. Muhammad Ashraf 1968 English D198.2 .R3 Historiography
Node ID: 3274
Tarih Iran 1966? Persian D21 .T37 1966 Textbook
Node ID: 1960
Persia and the Defence of India 1884-1892
R.L. Greaves University of London, The Athlone Press English D378 .G72
Node ID: 3252
European alliances and alignments, 1871-1890
Second Edition
Langer, William L. A.A. Knopf 1956 English D397 .L28 1956 Ottoman Empire, Foreign relations, Turkey, Politics, Politics and Government, History
Node ID: 3481
William Yale: witness to partition in the Middle East, WWI-WWII Terry, Janice Rimal Publications 2015 English D410.Y35 .T47
Node ID: 1769
Crisis, Conflict and Instability
Michael Brecher and Jonathan Wilkenfeld Pergamon Press 1989 English D443 .B7135 1997 world politics
Node ID: 3956
When the war came home: the Ottomans' Great War and the devastation of an empire Akin, Yigit Stanford University Press 2018 English D524.7.T8 A35 2018 Ottoman Empire, Turkey, World War I, Empire
Node ID: 1901
Lawrence of Arabia MacLean, Alistair Random House 1962 English D568.4.L45 M3 2006
Node ID: 4950
Erzincan ve Erzurum'un kurtuluşu Karabekir, Kazım Koşkun Basımevi 1939 Turkish D640 .K37 1939 World War I, Military, Turkey, Ottoman Empire
Node ID: 2045
The King-Crane Commission: An American Inquiry into the Middle East Howard, Harry Khayats 1963 English D651.T9 H7 1963
Node ID: 3425
Islam and Nazi Germany's war Motadel, David The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2014 English D810.M8 M68 2014 World War II, Islam, Germany, Arab countries
Node ID: 3495
Origins of the Suez crisis: postwar development diplomacy and the struggle over Third World industrialization, 1945-1956 Laron, Guy The Johns Hopkins University Press 2013 English D843 .L286 2013 Suez Canal, Industrialization, Cold War, Soviet Union, United States, Egypt, Foreign relations
Node ID: 3928
Dislocating the Orient: British maps and the making of the Middle East, 1854-1921 Foliard, Daniel The University of Chicago Press 2017 English DA47.9.M628 F65 2017 Cartography, Maps, Middle East, Great Britain, Imperialism, Foreign relations
Node ID: 1904
L'expédition de Bonaparte vue d'Égypte Centre d'études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales (Le Caire) Ed. Complexe 1999 French DC225.E974 1999
Node ID: 2081
The Politics of the Veil
John Wallach Scott Princeton University Press 2007 English DC34.5.M87 S36 2007
Node ID: 3218
Gaziantep e la sua regione Archi, Alfonso, Paolo Emilio Pecorella, Mirjo Salvini Edizioni dell'Ateneo 1971 Italian DF13 .I36 v.48 Gaziantep, Turkey, Antiquities
Node ID: 4639
Nations and identities: the case of Greeks and Turks
Millas, Hercules Istanbul Bilgi University Press 2016 English DF787.T8 M555 2016 International Relations, Greece, Turkey, Foreign public opinion, Ethnicity, Nationalism
Node ID: 4579
A historical and economic geography of Ottoman Greece: the southwestern Morea in the 18th century Zarinebaf, Fariba, John Bennet, and Jack Davis American School of Classical Studies at Athens 2005 English DF951.P85 H57 2005 Greece, Ottoman Empire, Geography, Economic conditions
Node ID: 3889
Osmanli belgelerinde Kazan = Osmanlı belgelerinde Kazan Sarinay, Yusuf (proje yöneticisi) T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü 2005 Turkish, Ottoman DK651.K2 O86 2005 Kazan, Turkey, Russia, Ottoman Empire, Foreign relations, Archives
Node ID: 2917
Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan
Second Edition
Plunkett, Richard and Tom Masters Lonely Planet 2004 English DK672.2 .P58 2004 Travel guide, Azerbaijan, Tourism, Armenia
Node ID: 2619
Turkestan Struggle Abroad: From Jadidism to Independence Andican, A. Ahat SOTA Publications 2007 English DK855.5.M8 A5313 2007 Central Asia, Turkestan, Jadidism