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Type Title Artist / Author Producer / Publisher Year Language Call Number Key Words
Node ID: 3632
Insurgent, poet, mystic, sectarian: the four masks of an eastern postmodernism Mohaghegh, Jason Bahbak SUNY Press 2015 English PN98.P67 M64 2015 Postmodernism, Literature
Node ID: 1860
Inside the Middle East Hiro, Dilip McGraw Hill Book Company 1982 English DS63 .H5 1982  
Node ID: 3903
Inside the kingdom: my life in Saudi Arabia Bin Ladin, Carmen Warner Books 2004 English HQ1730.Z75 B5613 2004 Saudi Arabia, Women, Bin Laden
Node ID: 2518
Inside Mecca Anisa Mehdi Anisa Mehdi 2003 English
Node ID: 2552
Inside Islam: What a Billion Muslims Really Think Rob Gardner Rob Gardner 2009 English
Node ID: 3859
Inside Islam Mark Hufnail 2002 English
(Subtitled: English)
Node ID: 2759
Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror
Second Edition
Gunaratna, Rohan Berkley Books 2003 English HV6431 .G853 2003 Al Qaeda, terrorism
Node ID: 4903
Insha'ha-yi Sadiq Sidaqat = انشاءهای صادق صداقت
First Edition
Khorsandi, Hadi Ghazāl 1377 (1998) Persian PK6561.K4785 I58 1998 Humor
Node ID: 4378
Inqilab-i Iran dar du harakat = Inqilāb-i Īrān dar dū ḥarakat Bazargan, Mahdi 1363 [1984] Persian DS318.8 .B393 1984 Iran, Politics and Government, Revolution
Node ID: 4797
Inqilāb Khamsah Nūfimbir 1967 M, 2/8/1387 H fī kitāb al-akh Muḥsin al-ʻAynī = Inqilab Khamsah Nufimbir 1967 M, 2/8/1387 H fi kitab al-akh Muhsin al-Ayni Tayyib, 'Abd al-Malik 2000? Arabic DS247.Y48 T394 2000 Yemen, Politics and Government, History
Node ID: 4613
Innocence (Masumiyet) Zeki Demirkubuz Zeki Demirkubuz 1997 Turkish
(Subtitled: English),
(Subtitled: French)
Turkey, Turkish
Node ID: 3139
Initial phase of transition of Russo-Central Asian economic relations, The (an institutional approach) (Islamic area studies working paper series)
Iwasaki, Ichiro Islamic Area Studies Project 1999 English DS35.3 .I843 n.11 1999 Central Asia, economy
Node ID: 2796
İngilizce-Türkçe Deyimler Sözlüğü (An English-Turkish Dictionary of Idioms)
Tenth Edition
Tuğlacı, Pars İnkılap ve AKA Kitapevleri 1978 English, Turkish PL191 .T84 1978 Dictionary, Turkish
Node ID: 1858
Ingilizce Bilmeden Hepinizi I Love You!
Ferhan Sensoy Bilgi Yaynevi 1997 Turkish PL248.S3615 I63 1993 Turkish, Fiction
Node ID: 3808
Infinite Beginning: Devotional Songs of Turkey Latif Bolat 1997 Turkish
Node ID: 3836
India and the Islamic heartlands: an eighteenth-century world of circulation and exchange Sood, Gagan D. S. Cambridge University Press 2016 English DS35.74.I56 S66 2016 india, Islamic countries, Intercultural Communication, Commerce, Merchants, Pilgrims and pilgrimages, History, 18th century
Node ID: 2279
Independent Media In A Time of War Hudson Mohawk IMC 2003 English
Node ID: 2465
Inch' Allah Dimanche Yamina Benguigui 2001
Node ID: 2405
Inatci Turkish
(Subtitled: English)
Node ID: 4615
In the shadow of the king: Zill al-Sultān and Isfahān under the Qājārs Walcher, Heidi A. I.B. Tauris 2008 English DS316.Z55 W35 2008 Iranian History, Qajar, Isfahan
Node ID: 2295
In The Name of Security Emily Kunstler; Sarah Kunstler Off Center; The National Lawyers Guild 2002 English
Node ID: 3508
In the Name of Hezbollah: Al Manar TV Drevillion & O. Ferraro 2004 French
(Subtitled: English)
Node ID: 4766
In the lion's den: an eyewitness account of Washington's battle with Syria Tabler, Andrew Lawrence Hill Books 2011 English E183.8.S95 T33 2011 International Relations, Syria, United States, Politics, Foreign policy
Node ID: 4722
In the high Yemen
Scott, Hugh John Murray 1942 English DS247.Y4 S4 Yemen, Travel, Description
Node ID: 2736
In the Graveyard of Empires: America's War in Afghanistan Jones, Seth G. W.W. Norton & Company 2010 English DS371.412. J665 2009 Afghanistan, war
Node ID: 2991
In the Footsteps of the Argonauts Barzos, Alexis 2010 Greek
(Subtitled: English),
(Subtitled: German)
Node ID: 4601
In Search of Israeli Cuisine Roger Sherman Menemsha Films 2016 English, Hebrew, Arabic
(Subtitled: English)
Node ID: 4637
In search of integrity: biography and memoirs of Yosef Shahery, from Tehran to New York Cohen, Goel (researched by); Shahery, Yosef Shahery Cultural Foundation 2020 English DS135.I65 .S42 2020 Minorities, Iran, Jews, Identity, Biography, Diaspora
Node ID: 3976
In quest of justice: Islamic law and forensic medicine in modern Egypt Fahmy, Khaled University of California Press 2018 English KRM4700 .F34 2018 Islamic law, Egypt, Forensics, Medical jurisprudence, Criminal justice, Chemistry, Islam and justice
Node ID: 2668
In My Own Skin Byrd, Nikki; Jajeh, Jennifer Byrd, Nikki; Jajeh, Jennifer 2001 English
(Subtitled: English)
Node ID: 3876
In Between (Bar Bahar) Maysaloun Hamoud Shlomi Elkabetz 2016 Arabic, Hebrew
(Subtitled: English),
(Subtitled: French)
Node ID: 2928
İmtiyazat-ı ecnebiyenin tatbikat-ı hazırası Mehdi, Fraşerli Matbaa-i Cemil 1325 (1909) Ottoman DR470 .M47i Turkey, Politics, Government
Node ID: 4679
Imperial outpost-Aden: its place in British strategic policy King, Gillian Oxford University Press 1964 English DS247 A2K5 Yemen
Node ID: 2357
Impasse Aliaa Khachouk Bashar Shbib 2005 Arabic
(Subtitled: English)
Node ID: 1857
Imkānāt at-takāmul an-naqdī baina duwal Maǧlis at-Taʻāwun li-Duwal al-Ḫalīǧ al-ʻArabīya
al-Ṭabʻah 1
Hail ʻAǧamī Ǧamīl Abū Ẓaby Markaz al-Imārāt lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Istirātījīyah 2005 Arabic HG1212 .J35 2005 Monetary policy, Persian Gulf States
Node ID: 4411
Imagining the modern: the cultures of nationalism in Cyprus Bryant, Rebecca I.B. Tauris 2004 English DS54.5 .B79 2004 Cyprus, Nationalism, Ethnic relations
Node ID: 1856
Imagine There's No Woman Copjec, Joan Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2002 English BJ1012 .C68 2002 Feminist, ethics
Node ID: 3461
Images of Saudi Arabia (Copy 2) Saudi Aramco 2002
Node ID: 3460
Images of Saudi Arabia (Copy 1) Saudi Aramco 2002
Node ID: 3162
Ilm va jamiah = ʻIlm va jāmiʻah, v.8, n.51
V.8, N.51
Alexandria, VA 1987 Persian AP95.P3 I44 v.8 n.51 1987 Iran, Politics, Government
Node ID: 3165
Ilm va jamiah = ʻIlm va jāmiʻah, v.8, n.49
V.8, N.49
Alexandria, VA 1987 Persian AP95.P3 I44 v.8 n.49 1987 Iran, Politics, Government
Node ID: 3163
Ilm va jamiah = ʻIlm va jāmiʻah, v.7, n.44
V.7, N.44
Alexandria, VA 1986 Persian AP95.P3 I44 v.7 n.44 1986 Periodicals
Node ID: 3164
Ilm va jamiah = ʻIlm va jāmiʻah, v.7, n.42
V.7, N.42
Alexandria, VA 1986 Persian AP95.P3 I44 v.7 n.42 1986 Iran, Politics, Government, Periodicals
Node ID: 3210
Ilm va jamiah = ʻIlm va jāmiʻah, v.6, n.40
V.6, N.40
Alexandria, VA 1985 Persian AP95.P3 I44 v.6 n.40 1985 Iran, Politics, Government, Periodicals
Node ID: 1855
Illustrated dictionary of mathematics : the language and concepts of mathematics K E Selkirk Librairie du Liban 1991 English and Arabic QA5 .S45 1991 Mathematics, dictionaries, Pictorial, Arabic language, Reference
Node ID: 1854
Illustrated dictionary of biology : living organisms in all forms explained and illustrated
Neil Curtis; et al Librairie du Liban 1985 English and Arabic QH302.5 .C878 1985 Reference, Pictorial, Biology, dictionaries, Arabic language
Node ID: 2950
Iki neslin tarihi. Mustafa Kemal neler yapti. = İki neslin tarihi. Mustafa Kemal neler yaptı. Emre, Ahmet Cevdet İbrahim Hilmi Çığıraçan 1960 Turkish DR592.K4 E55 Atatürk, History, Turkey
Node ID: 3335
Iffat Al Thunayan: an Arabian Queen = 'Iffat Al Thunayan: an Arabian Queen Kechichian, Joseph A. Sussex Academic Press 2015 English DS244.526.T58 K43 2015 Saudi Arabia, Queen, Royal family, Biography, Women
Node ID: 4778
Idrīs Ḥanbalah: al-shāʻir wa-al-munāḍil Hamadani, Ahmad Ali Dar al-Hamdani lil-tiba'ah wa al-nashr 1984 Arabic PJ7828.N35 Z64 1984 Poetry, Yemen
Node ID: 4742
Idrīs Aḥmad Hanbalah: al-aʻmāl al-kamilah Ḥanbalah, Idrīs Wizārat al-Thaqāfah wa-al-Siyāḥah 2004 Arabic PJ7828 .N36 2004 v.1 Poetry, Arabic poetry