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Type Title Artist / Author Producer / Publisher Year Language Call Number Key Words
Node ID: 2788
Wildlife of Bahrain Hill, Mike Miracle Publishing English QH193.B26 H56 Wildlife, Bahrain
Node ID: 2857
Hawar Islands Hill, Mike Miracle Publishing 2005 English QH193.B26 H56 2005 Hawar Islands, Bahrain, Natural history, Geography, Pictorial
Node ID: 1854
Illustrated dictionary of biology : living organisms in all forms explained and illustrated
Neil Curtis; et al Librairie du Liban 1985 English and Arabic QH302.5 .C878 1985 Reference, Pictorial, Biology, dictionaries, Arabic language
Node ID: 2864
Environment Iran Firouz, Eskandar National Society for the Conservation of Natural Resources and Human Environment 1974 English QH77.I62 F52x Iran, Environment, Nature, Conservation, Environmentalism
Node ID: 2865
Azʹhār wa-awrāq fī ʻabaq al-taʼammulāt wa-al-ashwāq: al-nabātāt al-ʻiṭrīyah fī al-Baḥrayn wa-al-Khalīj al-ʻArabī = Flowers & leaves, the fragrances of contemplation and desire: aromatic plants in Bahrain and the Gulf states Alsaleh, Fawzeya Saeed Miracle Publishing 2009 Arabic, English QK99.P35 S352 2009 Bahrain, Gulf States, Botany
Node ID: 1726
Bahrain Seashells Green, Stephen; Chouhfeh, Nazem Arabian Printing & Publishing House W.L.L 1994 English QL426.B26 G74 1994   Bahrain, mollusks
Node ID: 3286
The Wildlife of Oman and its neighbours, Buttiker, Wilhelm and Peter Scott Stacey International 1981 English QL606.56.A1 W56 1981 Oman, Wildlife
Node ID: 3482
Oman bird list: the official list of the birds of the Sultanate of Oman
Edition 7
Eriksen, Jens and Reginald Victor Center for Environmental Studies and Research, Sultan Qaboos University 2013 QL691 .O5 E75 2013 Oman, Birds, Zoology
Node ID: 3284
Birds of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia Bundy, G., R.J. Connor, and C.J.O. Harrison H.F. & G. Witherby in association with Aramco 1989 English QL691.S33 B86x Birds, ornithology, Saudi Arabia
Node ID: 3224
Bes bucuk asirlik Turk tababeti tarihi = Beş buçuk asirlik Türk tababeti tarihi Uludag, Osman Sevki Matbaa-i Amire 1925 Ottoman R571 .U47b Medicine, Turkey, Ottoman
Node ID: 4995
Deliler ve doktorları: Osmanlı'dan Cumhuriyet'e delilik Kılıc, Rüya Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları 2013 Turkish RC451.T9 K55 2014 Psychology, Medicine, Turkey, History
Node ID: 2123
Turkish : basic course Lloyd Balderston Swift; Selman Ağrali; Foreign Service Institute (U.S.) Dept. of State 1966-1970 English S 1.114/2-2:T 84  
Node ID: 1919
Modern written Arabic
Volume II of III
Harlie L Smith; A Nashat Naja; James A Snow; Arabic Language and Area School. Foreign Service Institute 1969-1978 English S 1.114/2:Ar 1/ v.2
Node ID: 4691
Vol. 56
1993/1994 (1372) Persian S19 .S85 n.56 Agriculture, Iran, Periodicals
Node ID: 3695
Cotton in Iran Osborn, Larence E. U.S. Foreign Agricultural Service 1971 English S21 .Z2383x Cotton, Agriculture, Iran
Node ID: 4720
Agrargeographie der Arabischen Republik Jemen: Landnutzung und agrarsoziale Verhältnisse in einem islamisch-orientalischen Entwicklungsland mit alter bäuerlicher Kultur
Sonderband 11
Kopp, Horst Selbstverlag der Fränkischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 1981 German S471.Y45 K66 Yemen, Geography, Agriculture
Node ID: 3493
Nigarishi bar layihah-i vaguzari va ihya-i arazi = Nigarishī bar lāyiḥah-ʼi vāguz̲ārī va iḥyāʹ-i arāz̤ī
Band J
Anjuman-i Islami-i Danishjuyan dar Amrika va Kanada 1365 [1986] Persian S604.8 .I7 Iran, Land reclamation
Node ID: 2855
Thimār al-Baḥrayn = Fruits of Bahrain Ṣāliḥ, Fawzīyah Saʻīd Miracle Publishing 2010 Arabic, English SB354.6.B26 S25 2010 Bahrain, Produce
Node ID: 2856
Exotic perennials & annuals for pots and gardens in Bahrain Shaheen, Elizabeth Miracle Publishing 2003 English SB434.B35 S53 2003 Bahrain, Botany
Node ID: 4472
Gardens in the time of the great Muslim empires: theory and design Petruccioli, Attilio (editor) Brill 1997 English SB457.8 .G37 1997 Islamic Empire, Islamic Architecture, Gardens
Node ID: 2851
Endurance: story of the World championship for juniors and young riders Atty, Helen Miracle Publishing 2006 English SF296.E5 E53 2006 Bahrain, Horsemanship, Pictures, Illustrations, Horses
Node ID: 3699
Sheep industry in Iran Jones, Richard G. U.S.A.I.D. Livestock Extension Advisor 19?? English SF375.5.I65 J6 Iran, Sheep, Animal culture
Node ID: 3685
Conservation, rehabilitation, and improvement of rangelands in Iran Shaidaee, G. Imperial Government of Iran, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Forestry and Range Organization 1973-1979 English SF85.4.I7 S45 Iran, Rangelands, Conservation, Animal culture
Node ID: 2740
Shared Borders, Shared Waters: Israeli-Palestinian and Colorado River Basin Water Challenges Megdal, Sharon B., Robert G. Varady, and Susanna Eden (editors) CRC Press 2013 English TC513.5 .S42 2013 Water resources, Israel, Palestine
Node ID: 3491
The Omani environment over three decades Ministry of Regional Municipalities, Environment & Water Resources 2005 Arabic, English TD171.5.O5 M56 Oman, Environment, Conservation
Node ID: 4975
Aludigi-yi hava bisher az infijarat-i hastehar-i zendegi basharra tahdid mi konad نشریه هواشناسی کل کشور 1350 Persian TD195.I73 N37 1971 Environment, Pollution, Iran
Node ID: 4460
Where environmental concerns and security strategies meet: green conflict in Asia and the Middle East Winnefeld, James A. Rand 1994 English TD195.W29 W55 1994 National Security, Environment, war, Middle East
Node ID: 3233
No place like home: administrative house demolitions in East Jerusalem Margalit, Meir The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions 2006 English TH447 .M37 2006 Israel, Land use
Node ID: 3276
Numunahhai az khakha-yi bakhsh-i Shahdad-i Kirman = Numūnahʹhāʾī az khākʹhā-yi bakhsh-i Shahdād-i Kirmān Kardavani, Parviz Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, Muʾassasah-i Jughrāfiyā va Ṭarḥ-i Pizhūhishī-i Lūt 1971 Persian TN108.S5 K3 Geography
Node ID: 4485
The Arab imago: a social history of portrait photography, 1860-1910 Sheehi, Stephen Princeton University Press 2016 English TR113.5 .S54 2016 photography, Middle East, History
Node ID: 2859
Diwan Al Noor: a photographic journey through light, water and people... Al Faisal, Reem Miracle Publishing 2001 Arabic, English TR647.F35 D58 2001 Saudi Arabia, photography, Women, Muslim Women
Node ID: 1965
Pictures for Solomon John Running Northland Pub 1990 English TR680 .R86 1990  
Node ID: 3360
Noshe Djan: Afghan food and cookery Saberi, Helen Prospect Books 1986 English TX725.A3 S22 1986 Afghanistan, Cookbook
Node ID: 4618
Medieval cuisine of the Islamic world : a concise history with 174 recipes Zaouali, Lilia University of California Press 2007 English TX725.A65 Z3613 2007 Cooking, Food, Medieval, Cookbook
Node ID: 1657
Al- Ṭabigh al-ʻArabī Chebaro, Lina Bassam, Nada Mosbah Halawani Arab Scientific Publishers 1997 Arabic TX725.L4 C44 1997 Cooking
Node ID: 2850
Israel's death hierarchy: casualty aversion in a militarized democracy Levy, Yagil New York University Press 2012 English U163 .L487 2012 Israel, Military
Node ID: 2030
The Gulf and the US national security strategy Lawrence J Korb; Markaz al-Imārāt lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Istirātījīyah Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 2005 English UA10.5 .K67 2005 National Security, United States, Gulf States
Node ID: 3331
Armies and state-building in the modern Middle East: politics, nationalism and military reform Cronin, Stephanie I.B. Tauris 2014 English UA832 .C76 2014 Armed forces, Military, Middle East, Politics, Nationalism
Node ID: 1936
Nuclear weapons in South Asia Chris Smith; Markaz al-Imārāt lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Istirātījīyah. Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 2004 English UA832.7 .S63 2004
Node ID: 1912
Meeting Iran's nuclear challenge Gary Samore; Markaz al-Imārāt lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Istirātījīyah. The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 2005 English UA853.I7 S26 2005
Node ID: 3267
Territory of lies: the exclusive story of Jonathan Jay Pollard, the American who spied on his country for Israel and how he was betrayed Blitzer, Wolf Harper & Row 1989 English UB271.I82 P653 1989
Node ID: 2738
Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation Halevi, Yossi Klein HarperCollins 2013 English UD485 .I8K54 2013 Six-Day War, Jerusalem, Israel
Node ID: 1815
Forts of Oman Walter Dinteman Motivate Publishing 1993 English UG432.O5 D56x 1993   Oman, Military, History, Architecture
Node ID: 1999
Strategic appraisal : the changing role of information in warfare Zalmay Khalizad, John White RAND 2004 Arabic UG478 .S77 1999
Node ID: 3117
Fasl-i kitab = Faṣl-i kitāb
V.3, N.1
Fasl-e Ketab Publications in association with the Keyan Foundation 1991 Persian Z1035.8.P3 F37 v.3 n.1 1991 Persian literature, Periodicals, Iran
Node ID: 1879
Islamische Schriftkunst Ernst Kühnel Akademische Druck 1972 German Z115.1 .K83 1972  
Node ID: 4401
The Arabic print revolution: cultural production and mass readership Ayalon, Ami Cambridge University Press 2016 English Z186.M628 .A93 2016 Intellectual life, History, Printing
Node ID: 1725
Bahrain National Bibliography
Sarhan, Mansoor Mohamed Fakhrawi Book Shop Printing & Publishing 1995 English Z3028.B34 S27 1995 v.1   Bahrain
Node ID: 4585
Annual bibliography of Islamic art and archaeology, India excepted ..., Vol. 3
Vol. 3
Mayer, L.A. (editor) Divan Pub. House 1937 Z5961.M7 A6 v.3 Islamic Art, Archeology
Node ID: 1813
Fihris al-makhṭūṭāt al-ʻArabīyah fi al-dīn wa-al-falsafah wa-al-lughah wa-al-tārīkh fī ḥawzat al-Duktūr Fuʼād Sāmī Ḥaddād Farid S Haddad; Fuʼād Sāmī Ḥaddād; Maktabat al-Duktūr Sāmī Ḥaddād al-Tadhkārīyah. Maktabat al-Duktūr Sāmī Ḥaddād al-Tadhkārīyah 2006 Arabic Z6605.A6 F547 2006 Manuscripts, Arabic language, Lebanon