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Type Title Artist / Author Producer / Publisher Year Language Call Number Key Words
Node ID: 2737
Environmental Imaginaries of the Middle East and North Africa Davis, Diana K. and Edmund Burke III (editors) Ohio University Press 2011 English GF670 .E58 2011 Human ecology, Environmental conditions, Foreign public opinion, Environmentalism
Node ID: 1927
Mūne : la conservation alimentaire traditionnelle au Liban Aida Kanafani-Zahar Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme 1994 French GN1 .A53
Node ID: 3689
Nomads and farmers: a study of the Yöruk of southeastern Turkey
No. 52
Bates, Daniel G. University of Michigan 1973 [c1971] English GN2 .M58a no.52 Yuruks, Yoruk, Turkey, Nomads, Farmers, Turkic peoples
Node ID: 3688
The Ait Ndhir of Morocco: a study of the social transformation of a Berber tribe
No. 55
Vinogradov, Amal Rassam University of Michigan 1974 English GN2 .M58a no.55 Berber, Ndhir, Morocco, Anthropology, Ait Ndhir
Node ID: 2862
The future of pastoral peoples: proceedings of a conference held in Nairobi, Kenya, 4-8 August 1980 Galaty, John G., Dan Aronson, Philip Carl Salzman, and Amy Chouinard (editors) International Development Research Centre 1981 English GN387 .F8x 1981 Bedouin, Sudan, Mali, Oman, Syria
Node ID: 4965
Kuch; کوچ
Fall No. 1
انتشارات اتحادیه مرکزی تعاونیهای عشایری ایران 1361 (1982/1983) Persian GN635.I7 I58 1982/1983 Iran, Nomads, Migration
Node ID: 4964
Kuch; کوچ
ویژه بهار
انتشارات اتحادیه مرکزی تعاونیهای عشایری ایران 1362 (1983/1984) Persian GN635.I7 I58 1983/1984 Nomads, Iran, Migration
Node ID: 4959
Siminar-i barrasi-i masa'il-i jami'ah-i 'ashayiri-yi Iran, 2 ila 5 Tir'mah-i 2535, Kirmanshahan. 'Ashayir va masa'il-i tawsi'ah "Shinakht"
Number 11
Sāzmān-i Barnāmah va Būdjih, Muʻāvinat-i Umūr-i Ustānʹhā 2535 (1976) Persian GN635.I7 S296 n.11 Nomads, Iran, Development
Node ID: 4958
Siminar-i barrasi-i masa'il-i jami'ah-i 'ashayiri-yi Iran, 2 ila 5 Tir'mah-i 2535, Kirmanshahan. Guzarish-i vaz'-i mawjud-i jami'ah-i 'ashayiri-yi Iran va arzyabi-yi kulli az 'amalkard'ha-yi 'umrani
Volume 3
Sāzmān-i Barnāmah va Būdjih, Muʻāvinat-i Umūr-i Ustānʹhā 2535 (1976) Persian GN635.I7 S296 v.3 Nomads, Iran, Development
Node ID: 1920
More tales alive in Turkey Warren S Walker; Ahmet Edip Uysal Texas Tech University 1992 English GR280 .M66 1992  
Node ID: 4432
The folktales and storytellers of Iran: culture, ethos and identity Friedl, Erika I.B. Tauris 2014 English GR290 .F75 2014 Iran, Folklore
Node ID: 4357
Qiṣṣahʹhā-yi mardum-i mihribān = Qissahha-yi mardum-i mihriban Mir Kazimi, Husayn Chashmah 1381 [2002] Persian GR291.M39 Q57 2002 Iran, Persian literature
Node ID: 4464
Abu Jmeel's daughter and other stories: Arab folk tales from Palestine and Lebanon Nuwayhid, Jamal Salim Interlink Books 2002 English GR295.L4 N88 2002 Folklore, Literature, Arabic literature, Palestine, Lebanon
Node ID: 4481
Turkish fashion in transition Scarce, Jennifer M. 1980 English GT1400 .S33 1980 Turkey, Fashion, Social Life and Customs
Node ID: 4413
Le monde du narguilé: culture, convivialité, histoire et tabacologie d'un mode d'usage populaire du tabac Chaouachi, Kamal Maisonneuve et Larose 2002 French GT3020.C42 2002 Smoking, History, Tobacco
Node ID: 1946
Oteller Kitabi
Ferhan Sensoy Ortaoyuncular Yayinlari 1998 Turkish GT3770 .S46 1996
Node ID: 1716
Ataturk Ansiklopedisi.,Islâm, Turkey. National Commission for UNESCO Turkish National Commission for UNESCO 1963 English GT4504.79 .T87 1963 Turkey
Node ID: 3682
Census district statistics of the first national census of Iran, Aban 1335 (November 1956), v.17
Volume 17
Iran. Idārah-i Kull-i Āmār-i ʻUmūmī 1960 English HA1861 .A58 1956 v.17 Iran, Census, Statistics
Node ID: 3680
Census district statistics of the first national census of Iran, Aban 1335 (November 1956), v.78
Volume 78
Iran. Idārah-i Kull-i Āmār-i ʻUmūmī 1961 English HA1861 .A58 1956 v.78 Iran, Census, Statistics
Node ID: 3681
Census district statistics of the first national census of Iran, Aban 1335 (November 1956), v.90
Volume 90
Iran. Idārah-i Kull-i Āmār-i ʻUmūmī 1961 English HA1861 .A58 1956 v.90 Iran, Census, Statistics
Node ID: 4974
Statistical yearbook of Iran 1968
Serial No. 287
Plan Organization, Statistical Centre of Iran 1971 English HA4570 .S73 1971 Statistics, Iran, Periodicals
Node ID: 1741
Beyond De-Linking: Development by Popular Protection Vs. Development by State
Samara, Adel Al-Mashriq Al-A'amil for Cultural and Development Studies 2005 English HB501 .S26 2005 Globalization, Economics
Node ID: 2914
Farhang-i 'ulum-i iqtisadi Inglisi-Fārsī = Dictionary of economics Farhang, Manūchihr Mu'asisih-i 'Ali-i 'lūm-i Siyasi va Amūr-i Hizbi 1973 English, Persian HB61 .F29 1973 Persian Dictionary, economy, dictionaries, Reference
Node ID: 2058
The Middle East in the world economy, 1800 - 1914 Roger Owen Tauris 1981 English HC410.7 .O94  
Node ID: 2888
Getting connected: private participation in infrastructure in the Middle East and North Africa Smith, Graham R., Nemat Shafik, Pierre Guislain, and James A. Reichert World Bank 1997 English HC415.15.Z9 C34 1997 Economics, Privatization, infrastructure
Node ID: 4624
A shop of one's own: independence and reputation among traders in Aleppo Rabo, Annika I.B. Tauris 2005 English HC415.23 .R33 2005 Syria, Merchants, Commerce, Economic conditions, Aleppo
Node ID: 3114
Dirasat iqtisadiyah wa-ijtima'iyah fi tarikh bilad al-Sham al-hadith = Dirāsāt iqtiṣādīyah wa-ijtimāʻīyah fī tārīkh bilād al-Shām al-ḥadīth Rafeq, Abdul-Karim Maktabat Nūbil 2002 Arabic HC415.23 .R34 2002 Syria, History, economy, Society
Node ID: 2079
The Peace Business: Money and Power in the Palestine-Israel Conflict Bouillon, Markus E. I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd 2004 English HC415.25 .B68 2004
Node ID: 2031
The Gulf: Challenges of the Future Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 2005 Arabic HC415.3 G33 2005
Node ID: 1995
Sixth Development Plan: 1415-1420 A.H. 1995-2000 A.D. Saudi Arabia. Wizārat al-Takhṭīṭ. Ministry of Planning 1995 English HC415.33 .S22 1995
Node ID: 1645
A Twenty-Five Year Era of Kuwait's Modern Advancement Hamoud al-Barges, Barges Information and Research Department, Kuwait News Agency 1986 English HC415.39 .T84 1986   Kuwait, economy
Node ID: 2039
The Iraqi economy : present state and future Challenges Muḥammad ʻAlī Zaynī; Markaz al-Imārāt lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Istirātījīyah Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 2004 English HC415.4 .Z38813 2004 Iraq, Economy.
Node ID: 2836
Decade of the Revolution, 1963-1973; Resurrection of a Nation; A Miracle of Leadership Bīmah-i Markazī-i Īrān (Central Insurance of Iran) Echo Print 1973 English HC475 .C4 Iran, Revolution, Iranian History
Node ID: 3630
Iran's political economy since the revolution Maloney, Suzanne Cambridge University Press 2015 English HC475 .M314 2015 economy, Sanctions, Iran, Political economy
Node ID: 2086
The Reconstruction of Iraq: 1950-1957
Fahim I. Qubain Praeger 1958 English HC497.I7 Q4
Node ID: 4662
Arabische Wirtschaftsgeschichte Dūrī, ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz Artemis 1979 German HC498 .D934mG 1979 Economic conditions, History, Arab World
Node ID: 1924
Mullahs, Merchants, and Militants
Stephen Glain Thomas Dunne Books 2004 English HC498 .G545 2004
Node ID: 4940
Morocco's model: designing economic growth for the common good Pauli, Gunter; Kamp, Jurriaan 2021 English HC810.M67 P385 2021 Sustainable development, Morocco, Economic conditions
Node ID: 3679
Tunisia's global integration and sustainable development: strategic choices for the 21st century World Bank World Bank 1996 English HC820 .T874 1996 Tunisia, economy, Commerce, Sustainable development, Development
Node ID: 4644
Markets of dispossession: NGOs, economic development, and the state in Cairo Elyachar, Julia Duke University Press 2005 English HC830.Z7 C338 2005 Cairo, Non-governmental organizations, Economics, Egypt
Node ID: 1900
Land reform : some Asian experiences Inayatullah.; Asian and Pacific Development Administration Centre. Asian and Pacific Development Administration Centre 1980 English HD1333.A78 L36 1980  
Node ID: 2761
Land Reform and Social Change in Iran Najmabadi, Afsaneh University of Utah Press 1987 English HD1333.I7 N34 1987 Iran, Land reform, Agriculture
Node ID: 4973
Report of conference of food and agriculture officers of Near East and South Asia Region, April 17-22, 1961, Tehran, Iran Near East and South Asia Food and Agriculture Officers Conference 1961 English HD1431.I73 N43 1961 Agriculture, Iran, Congress, Food, Foreign relations
Node ID: 4937
Shirkat'ha-yi sihami-yi zira'i = شرکت های سهامی زراعی
Volume 3
صندوق مطالعاتی نظامهای بهره برداری ایران 1372 (1993/1994) Persian HD1491.I542 I73 1993 Agriculture, Iran
Node ID: 3975
Water scarcity, climate change, and conflict in the Middle East: securing livelihoods, building peace Ward, Christopher and Sandra Ruckstuhl I.B. Tauris 2017 English HD1698 .M53 W37 2017 Middle East, Climate, Water, Water resources, Climate change
Node ID: 4971
Karnamah-i abkhizdari va tasbit shinasi ravan sal-e 1351
Karnamah-i avval
Ministry of Agriculture 1352 (1973) Persian HD1698.I73 V59 1973 Water resources, Water, Agriculture, Iran
Node ID: 1836
Gulf security and regional watercourse management : implications for the UAE Bertrand Charrier; Markaz al-Imārāt lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Istirātījīyah Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 2005 English HD1698.M53 C425 2005 Water, Environmentalism
Node ID: 4723
Yemeni agriculture and economic change: case studies of two highland regions
Yemen development series; no. 1
Tutwiler, Richard; Carapico, Sheila American Institute for Yemeni Studies 1981 English HD2060.5 .C37 1981 Agriculture, Yemen, Markets, Economic conditions
Node ID: 4475
The agricultural policy of Muhammad ʻAlī in Egypt Rivlin, Helen Anne B Harvard University Press 1961 English HD2123.R62 Agriculture, Egypt
Node ID: 2622
The Middle East unveiled: a cultural and practical guide for all western business professionals Marsh, Donna How To Books 2010 English HD2891.9 .M377 2010 Business