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Type Title Artist / Author Producer / Publisher Year Language Call Number Key Words
Node ID: 2778
Ordinary Egyptians: Creating the Modern Nation Through Popular Culture Fahmy, Ziad Stanford University Press 2011 English DT70 .F225 2011 Egypt
Node ID: 3944
Desert borderland: the making of modern Egypt and Libya Ellis, Matthew H. Stanford University Press 2018 English DT82.5.L8 E44 2018 Libya, Egypt, Borders, Boundaries
Node ID: 4772
al-Yaman wa-al-Muttahidah bayna al-ittihad wa-al-infisal = اليمن والمتحدة بين الاتحاد والانفصال Munajjid, Salah al-Din Dār al-Kitāb al-Jadīd 1962 Arabic DT82.5.Y4 M96 Yemen, Foreign relations, Egypt
Node ID: 2860
Pharaoh = Firʻawn El-Saddik, Wafaa Miracle Publishing 2007 Arabic, English DT83 .E47 2007 Ancient Egypt, Pharoahs
Node ID: 3886
The complete Tutankhamun: the king, the tomb, the royal treasure
Reeves, Nicholas Thames and Hudson 1990 English DT87.5 .R43 1990 Tutankhamun, Archeology, Egypt, Egyptology, Antiquities
Node ID: 4982
al-Mujtama' al-Misri fi 'asr salatin al-Mamalik Ashur, Sa'id 'Abd al-Fattah Dar al-Nahdah al-'Arabiyah 1992 Arabic DT96 .A82m 1992 Mamluks, Egypt, History
Node ID: 4614
Practising diplomacy in the Mamluk Sultanate: gifts and material culture in the medieval Islamic world Behrens-Abouseif, Doris I.B. Tauris 2014 English DT96 .B447 2014 Egypt, Foreign relations, Mamluks
Node ID: 4834
al-Sultah wa-al-mujtama fi saltanat al-Mamalik: fatrat hukm al-salatin al-Mamalik al-Bahriyah min sanat 661 H/ 1262 M ila sanat 784 H/ 1382 M / Hayat Nasir al-Hajji
al-Ṭabʻah 1
Hajji, Hayat Nasir Lajnat al-Taʼlīf wa-al-Taʻrīb wa-al-Nashr, Majlis al-Nashr al-ʻIlmī 1997 Arabic DT96 .H235 1997 Egypt, Mamluks, History
Node ID: 4947
Saltanat al-Mamlik fi Misr wa-al-Sham bayna al-'aqidah wa-al-nizam = سلطنة الممالیک في مصر و الشام بین العقیدة و النظام Hajji, Hayat Nasir 2013 Arabic DT96 .H258 2013 Mamluks, Egypt, Syria, History
Node ID: 3965
Gypsies in contemporary Egypt: on the peripheries of society Parrs, Alexandra American University in Cairo Press 2017 English DX293 .P37 2017 Romanies, Egypt, Minorities
Node ID: 3073
Hearts for sale: A buyer's guide to winning in Afghanistan Marie, Farzana Worldwide Writings 2013 English E183.8.A3 M37 2013 Foreign relations, Afghanistan, United States
Node ID: 2816
America's Iran: Injury and Catharsis Ioannides, Christos University Press of America 1984 English E183.8.I55 I53 1984 Iran
Node ID: 2758
Forever Enemies?: American Policy and the Islamic Republic of Iran Kemp, Geoffrey The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 1994 English E183.8.I55 K42 1993 Iran, Foreign relations, United States
Node ID: 2849
Going to Tehran: why the United States must come to terms with the Islamic Republic of Iran
First U.S. Edition
Leverett, Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett Metropolitan Books 2013 English E183.8.I55 L47 2013 Foreign relations, United States, Iran
Node ID: 3030
Negotiating with Iran: wrestling the ghosts of history Limbert, John W. United States Institute of Peace Press 2009 English E183.8.I55 L55 2009 Iran, Foreign relations, United States
Node ID: 3257
All fall down: America's tragic encounter with Iran Sick, Gary Penguin Books 1986 English E183.8.I55 S53 1986 Foreign relations, United States, Iran
Node ID: 2773
They Dare to Speak Out
Second Edition
Findley, Paul Lawrence Hill Books 1984 English E183.8.I7 F56 1984
Node ID: 1628
A Calculated Risk: The U.S. Decision to Recognize Israel Wilson, Evan M. Clerisy Press 2008 English E183.8.I7 W55 2008 Israel, Palestine, Foreign relations, United States
Node ID: 3329
No exit from Pakistan: America's tortured relationship with Islamabad Markey, Daniel S. Cambridge University Press 2013 English E183.8.P18 M375 2013 Pakistan, Foreign relations, United States, Politics, Government
Node ID: 3113
Issues of engagement and the course of future U.S.-Saudi relations, post-September 11
Second Edition
Morris, Mary E. Center for Saudi Studies 2002 English E183.8.S25 M67 2002 Foreign relations, United States, Saudi Arabia
Node ID: 4766
In the lion's den: an eyewitness account of Washington's battle with Syria Tabler, Andrew Lawrence Hill Books 2011 English E183.8.S95 T33 2011 International Relations, Syria, United States, Politics, Foreign policy
Node ID: 2766
Spy Trade: How Israel's Lobby Undermines America's Economy Smith, Grant E. Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, Inc. 2009 English E184.36.P64 S655 2009 Israel, United States, Foreign relations
Node ID: 3674
Still moments: a story about faded dreams and forbidden pictures Aym, Zighen ZAWP 2005 English E184.A55 A96 2005 Berbers, Algeria, United States, Law enforcement, Racial profiling, Algerians, terrorism, Human rights
Node ID: 3348
Middle Eastern diaspora communities in America: proceedings of the 17th Annual Summer Institute of the Joint Center for Near Eastern Studies of New York University and Princeton University Bozorgmehr, Mehdi and Alison Feldman (editors) Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies at New York University 1996 English E184.M52 H34 1996 Diaspora, Immigration, United States
Node ID: 3238
Updated Afterword
Kalb, Marvin and Bernard Kalb Dell Publishing Company 1975 English E840.8.K58 K34 1975 Kissinger, Foreign relations
Node ID: 3260
The Tower Commission report: the full text of the President's Special Review Board United States. President's Special Review Board Bantam Books: Times Books 1987 English E876 .U55 1987a Iran-Contra, Tower Commission, Foreign relations, Iran, United States
Node ID: 3969
The Mexican Mahjar: transnational Maronites, Jews, and Arabs under the French Mandate Pastor, Camila University of Texas Press 2017 English F1392.A7 P37 2017 Maronite, Mexico, Arabs, Migration, Immigration, Ethnic relations, Ethnic identity, Jews
Node ID: 2831
The Chaldean Americans: Changing Conceptions of Ethnic Identity Sengstock, Mary C. Center for Migration Studies 1982 English F574.D49 C367 1982 Chaldeans, catholics, ethnic minority
Node ID: 1700
Arab/American : landscape, culture, and cuisine in two great deserts
Nabhan, Gary Paul The University of Arizona Press 2007 English F787 .N33 2008 Arab Civilization, culture
Node ID: 2068
The new comparative world atlas. Hammond Incorporated. Hammond Inc. 1998 English G1021 .H38 1998
Node ID: 2114
Today's world : a new world atlas from the cartographers of Rand McNally Rand McNally and Company Rand McNally 1992 English G1021 .R4867 1992  
Node ID: 2098
The state of women in the world atlas Joni Seager; Angela Wilson; Joan Jarrett Penguin 1997 English G1046.E1 S4 1997  
Node ID: 1840
Hammond atlas of the Middle East. Hammond World Atlas Corporation Hammond World Atlas Corp 2001 English G2205 .H3 2001 Maps, Middle East, Geography
Node ID: 2786
Atlas of the Middle East and Northern Africa Hammond World Atlas Corporation Hammond 2006 English G2205 .H3 2006 Atlas, Map, Travel
Node ID: 1717
Atlas of the Middle East.
National Geographic Society (U.S.). Book Division National Geographic Society 2003 English G2205 .N34 2003   Atlas, Travel
Node ID: 1947
Oxford regional economic atlas : the Middle East and North Africa Oxford University Press Oxford University Press 1960 English G2206.S7 O82 1960
Node ID: 2053
The Macmillan Bible atlas Yohanan Aharoni; Michael Avi-Yonah; Karṭa Macmillan ; prepared by Carta, Jerusalem 1977 English G2230 .A2 1968
Node ID: 2790
Atlas of Palestine, 1917-1966 Abu-Sitta, Salman H. Palestine Land Society 2010 English G2236.S6 A3 2010 Palestine
Node ID: 1932
National guide & atlas of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : maps, information, statistics Zakī Muḥammad ʻAlī Fārisī Z.M.A. Farsi 1989? English G2249.3 .F38 1989   Saudi Arabia, Social Life and Customs, Maps
Node ID: 1662
Algérie; atlas historique, géographique et économique Horizons de France Horizons de France 1934 French G2465 .A58   Algeria, Atlas, Oversize
Node ID: 3690
Die Nomadenansiedlung in der irakischen Jezira
Heft 20
Al-Kasab, Nafi Nasser Im Selbstverlag des Geographischen Instituts der Universität Tübingen 1966 German G58 .T83 v.20 Nomads, Iraq, Jezira, Settlements
Node ID: 3702
Das zentrale Hochland von Afghanistan: topographische Ubersichtskarte = Das zentrale Hochland von Afghanistan: topographische Übersichtskarte
No. 8
Langarzad, Ismael and Rolf Bindemann Das Arabische Buch 1987 German G7630 1987 L3 Afghanistan, Geography, Map
Node ID: 4984
al-Masalik wa-al-mamalik = المسالک و الممالک Ibn Khurradadhbih, 'Ubayd Allah ibn 'Abd Allah Yutlabu min Maktabat al-Muthanna 197-? Arabic, Latin, French G93 .I33 1970 Geography, Islamic countries, Travel, Arab World
Node ID: 4410
Mapping the Ottomans: sovereignty, territory, and identity in the early modern Mediterranean Brummett, Palmira Johnson Cambridge University Press 2015 English GA1303.5.A1 B78 2015 Cartography, Ottoman Empire, Religion, Christianity, Islam, Geography, Europe
Node ID: 3953
Mapping the Holy Land: the origins of cartography in Palestine Goren, Haim, Jutta Faehndrich, and Bruno Schelhaas I.B. Tauris 2017 English GA1321 .G67 2017 Cartography, Palestine, Middle East, Maps, Geography
Node ID: 3278
Lut-i Zangi Ahmad = Lūt-i Zangī Aḥmad Mustawfi, Ahmad Dānishgāh-i Tihrān 1970? Persian GB288 .M84 1970
Node ID: 3691
A geomorphological and paleoclimatological study of the playas of Iran Krinsley, Daniel B. Geological Survey, U. S. Dept. of the Interior] for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1970 English GB545.I7 K74 1970 v.1 Geomorphology, Iran, Paleoclimatology, Playas
Node ID: 3692
A geomorphological and paleoclimatological study of the playas of Iran Krinsley, Daniel B. Geological Survey, U. S. Dept. of the Interior] for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1970 English GB545.I7 K74 1970 v.2 Geomorphology, Iran, Paleoclimatology, Playas
Node ID: 3155
La baie de Pahlavi (Anzali): étude physique Mofakham-Payan, L. Société géographique de Khorâssân 1965 French GC685.C37 M91 1969 Geography, Iran
Node ID: 2842
Towards a Green Bahrain: Caring for Our Precious Island Abraham, Reena (editor) Miracle Publishing 2012 English GE199.B26 A27 2012 Bahrain, Environment